HI total newbie here. Sometimes I’m able to make Lingqs with phrases and other times a little sign appears indicating I can’t do it. It’s fewer than 10 words so I’m not breaking that rule. I’ve got Premium so it’s not the 20 Lingqs restriction. Thanks for any help.
I just tried to make a LIngQ with only two words and it refused to do it.
I’ve worked out how to do it now!
Great, glad to hear it. Let me know if you encounter the issue again.
It worked for me on my iPad.
What type of computer or device are you using?
In an app or which browser?
In sentence mode or page mode?
Experiment by doing two words, then three, then four, etc.
I use a 13 year old Apple iMac using Chrome. Page mode. I’ve successfully LingQd a lot of sentences in the few days of my membership but every now and then it just refuses to do it.
I am trying to make two word phrase LingQs and can’t. What did you figure out?
@TwinkieCat What exactly happens when you try to create a phrase LingQ?
I’ve found for me that the problem has basically come down to the reader not parsing that the words are in the same sentence. When I imported from an EPub or a PDF this would happen. I googled ways to turn those into TXT files, ran it through free Notepad++ app which is great for identifying weird gaps visually, it also has some automated cleanup functions, and no more problems. Recommend you pre-treat any sort of text you import like that.