Making lingq across multiple lines on iOS is tricky

Hi. I love the lingq reader. It’s great. But making lingq across multiple lines is becoming really annoying and sometimes just not possible. I have had the same issue across multiple different phones, also on Android. Basically, I have found that when I try to make a lingq that runs across multiple lines, the selection sometimes jumps and doesn’t select what I want to select. It’s very frustrating to be reading something and then spending 2 or 3 minutes fiddling with the interface to try to get it to register a lingq. Sometimes when you begin to select the words for the lingq, and try to move down to the next line to select the last word of the lingq, the translation bar pops up and blocks the selection. In essence I don’t feel that the actual lingq sélection tool is responsive enough. It feels awkward to use and sometimes I just give up making the lingq and look for one that’s on a single line. It works fine on pc, but I use lingq mostly on my phone.


I completely agree. I have a bluetooth mouse to use with my tablet, and even with that it’s tricky. iOS is the most awkward/unresponsive when it comes to selecting phrases.


Thanks, I’ll forward your feedback to our development team.