Make a friend

I would like write some words about this point.
Sometimes I get a mail that the one or the other add me as friend but when I look in that profile but there is no describtion AND unfortunately I cannot remember to met this member (I am a little older, sorry).

For me is important to have a little contact with a member in conversations or here in the forum before I add he or she as friend. AND I would like have a little more informations about the interests, the languages, the hobbies and so on.

Don’t wonder if you add ME (thank you for your confidence) and I don’t add YOU at the moment.

I agree. It make no sense if I don’t know a member and I have no informations.

First of all we are hoping that more and more members will fill out their profiles.

I usually accept anyone who selects me as a friend. Each person will have to make their own decision on this.

Right now you are able to make your email and skype name visible to friends if you want. That is one thing to consider.

In future you will see your friends activities. For example if your tutors are friends you will see when they set up a discussion. If you make friends with people learning the same language you will see when they sign up for a discussion. You will be able to easily invite your friends to join you in a discussion. These are all things that are in the plans, and there are more.

So for the time being there are not so many things that you can do with friends but many are on the way. There is no harm in waiting, nor, in my view any harm in accepting friends at this stage. You need not make your email and skypename visible to friends. You can choose to make it visible to no body, or to tutors, etc.

Both of you have contributed content and that may be why people want to be your friends.

You are right Steve and I am a little proud to be their frriend but I would like know more about them and can nothing see in their profile.