Lost streak despite reaching the necessary words?

Yesterday I had some strange behaviour in LingQ. I’m using LingQ for four languages (Japanese, Swedish, French, Spanish), read some news in all languages like every morning and reached the necessary word count to keep the streak.

At 8pm in the evening I received a warning mail for losing the streak without mentioning the language.

I checked the app again, everything on green or even red (the “Your on fire” red). Then I checked the app on another device to make sure everything was synced because I lost my streaks a few weeks ago during the server outtage where it couldn’t be synced. But every language was on green/red on both my iPad and my iPhone.

Today after waking up in the morning I got a mail that I lost my streak in Swedish and can buy it back. Which I did, but I don’t understand why I lost the streak.

Did someone here have the same experience today?

I have had similar experiences in the past. The problem seemed to be related to my time zone being randomly re-assigned to some place on the other side of the world. I bought it back, and lost a day in my streak. I eventually re-located myself back where I actually live. I now check each day that the numbers of LingQs for the day are not too high (which means that today’s have been added to yesterday’s total). If there is such a discrepancy I have to restore the correct location again. All a bit of a nuisance!

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Did you maybe made some of created LingQs known on the same day you created them?

Yes, I usually go quite quickly through the text and mark words as known or as 2/3/4 afterwards. Never had problems with that though. And even hours later all goals were set as reached in the app on two devices.

In case it happens again for you, please contact me again on the same day, before repairing streak, and we will investigate it further.

It’s happened again! My timezone had somehow changed to UTC so LingQs were attributed to Dec. 20th even though it is Dec 21st here. I have manually reset to Central Australian Summer Time (Adelaide local time) so I will need to make new LingQs in order to avoid breaking my streak.