Looking for your suggestions

Hey,all !Just wonder some suggestions that may help me a litte bit for my English study.
Recently I had a phone call with one of my formal classmate,we talk as usual,while he’s telling me that my English is not getting better.And yes i guess,some thing i realized was when i talk in English sometimes,lots of random words or fragment sentences came to my mind at a time,(of course in English) ,some words that even i didn’t understand or not very certain ,and my brain just stuck there,struggled,it’s almost like a computer playing chess,it has too many ways to move for the next steps,but the CPU was just too slow,it can’ t be figure out which way has to be moved efficiently.And this lead myself always stuck when i am talking.
Besides this,I think i have been had diffcuclties with lisenting,i have noticed when people talk to me in English,I heard the words,almost could write every single word of it on the paper,but my brain just didn’t response.Same thing happend when i read English novels,i probably understand every single word of it,but i still didn’t catch the meaning of the sentence.So when i finish the whole book,i felt like i was a drunk man,some parts are clearly, sometimes are uncertain,like a man who was drunk ,he could sometimes here what people are talking but sometimes he cound not.

I don’t know if you guys have the same problems or same experience as me,plz feel free to post.

PS:It’s very intresting that i am a big fan of manga and japanese cartoon ,so i kept watching it,and just several weeks passed ,i have been noticed i could not stop my mouth saying ただいま when i back home.LOL!Even i didn’t really talk,but these words has still been said in my heart and it was echoing in my brain.I bet this got a litte bit realated to the problems.

Formal former sorry.

Why don’t you try following the LingQ methodology? Start creating some LingQs.

Would you like someone to rework some of your sentences?


To maitee,Yes,why not?Please do so,thanks!


LingQ has a methodology, one that works quite well for a lot of people. Why do you not try to create some LingQs and test out our system to see if it will help you?


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“Just wonder some suggestions that may help me a litte bit for my English study.”

Maitee: Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions that may help me in my study of

“Recently I had a phone call with one of my formal classmate,we talk as usual,while he’s telling me that my English is not getting better”

Maitee: Recently, during one of our regular phone calls, one of my former classmates told me that my English is not getting better.

“And yes i guess,some thing i realized was when i talk in English sometimes,lots of random words or fragment sentences came to my mind at a time,(of course in English) ,some words that even i didn’t understand or not very certain ,and my brain just stuck there,struggled”

Yes, it was then that I guess I realized that when I talk in English sometimes, I’m being bombarded with random words and fragments of sentences; some words that I don’t understand fully, stick in my brain and I struggle to use them (correctly).

I didn’t rework your entire post, but this is a start with a suggestion to follow. What I suggest is using sentences that are less complex. You are at that stage where your comprehension is becoming very good, but your output is lagging behind.

If you want to use more complex sentences, try finding a model sentence you understand fully, then make your own sentences based on that model.

In writing, I enjoy seeing a mix of sentences. Some people write a complex sentence everytime they write. They may think that it the best way, but personally, it helps to see some short and long sentences mixed together in a paragraph.

This is only my opinion. Take what you can from it. Best wishes, new LingQer Maitee.