Just for convenience, I was wondering if there is a better strategy for selecting multiple texts from the web and sending them to LingQ in one go. Rather than creating multiple short lessons.
I use Mac.
The best option would be to select a text, Ctrl+right click, and send it somewhere. Then repeat the same thing multiple times, BUT all the next selections would go directly one after the other. For example, all on one kind of browser page, as if it were an article.
Then import the whole text with the browser extension.
Right now I send them to Draft, then merge all the newly created notes (each time it creates a new note), then copy/paste to import a new lesson, then delete the previous note in Draft.
This would be useful when reading on social media, in comments or reviews, etc.
There was an app that did something like this. It would copy all selected text and screenshots and list them together. I don’t remember the name. I’m not even sure how to search for something like that on the web. Any ideas?