Looking for Swedish speaker tutor

I am looking for someone that would be able to teach me Swedish. I would be considered at the beginner level on this website.

Time: Let me know what days work for you.
Tutor: Anyone who can teach me.
Language: Swedish.

Any other information, please write on my wall. :slight_smile:


I have a chaotic schedule (and I study languages on top of that…) and can’t host any Skype sessions on a regular basis. I can’t say that this or that weekday is particularly suitable (especially considering the time zone difference), but if you want to book a Skype session, feel free to suggest a few times (here/on my wall/by email), and possibly a “theme”, e.g. Swedish for beginners, simple dialogues, questions, introductions, pronunciation, grammar etc.

At the moment I’m only correcting writings. If written Swedish is something you want to work on, feel free to submit texts.


There’s no need to write in capital letters in several places on the forum. There are Swedish tutors around offering conversations (I’m not one of them).