So, I am a beginner when it comes to learning German language and I want to listen to German songs on Youtube.
Is there any Youtube Channel that I can follow for this?
Thanks for your help!
What genre? Since you said you´re a beginner Die Prinzen may be a good starting point. It´s not personally my favorite, but they sing and speak clearly .
For things I like more personally:
GrossstadtgeflĂĽster - Techno Punk (?)
Esther Graf - Pop (Punk Inspired)
Neonschwarz - Rap / Hip-Hop
Fiva - “Adult” Rap / Hip-Hop (I would liken her to k.flay)
Alexander Eder - “The Voice”-style Pop
Philipp Dittberner - Adult Alternative/Pop
AnnenMayKantereit - Adult Alternative/Pop
thanks for this comprehensive list! I will listen and see how things go.
Die Prinzen is a great choice because they tend to use simple words and have humour in their songs, try “Duerfen darf man alles”. A great line from their song “Deutschland” is about Germans trusting their cars more than their women. I would also include Peter Fox, yes he is German and Bausa who has songs like “So, wie du” and “100 km/h”.
I recommend the music app ViMusic, which gets its songs from YouTube, where you can add each song to a play list and if you tap the album cover for the song you are playing it will flip over and show you the words… in most case.
Another great app is RadioDroid, it free and no ads, you can search for German radio stations like WDR 2 = music, chat, news and sport. Or try 1Live = mixed German and English pop music, news.
Hope this helps.
As mentioned before, depends on the genre you might like.
Nena is great and still seems to be active. You might’ve heard of 99 Luftballoons or Irgendwie, Irgendwo, Irgendwann:
Another popular band…Die Toten Hosen (I don’t personally know many songs but my gf likes them a lot).
(342) DIE TOTEN HOSEN - YouTube
Someone else mentioned Peter Fox. I’m not a big fan, but I really like the song Schwarz zu Blau.
(342) Peter Fox - YouTube
Definitely plenty of others.
This might be of interest:
My favourites:
EinstĂĽrzende Neubauten
Tangerine Dream
Samsara Blues Experiment
Music streaming sites can create lists for you, or tailor lists based on your listening patterns.
There’s a great channel on YouTube called @MaxisMaximal - they have a lot of 80s German New Wave with subtitles, and they post a lot of Nena, which is usually fairly easy to follow. They also show a lot of pop shows, which strike me as pretty funny, as they often seem to have older presenters trying way too hard to look hip and cool (which I guess people in the '80s were okay with)…
I thought maybe I got this spotify playlist fromt his thread, but I think it must’ve been from reddit or something. Here’s a really long playlist with an interesting variety of music:
Anything from Madeline Juno is amazing. Her older album DNA is my favorite!
She has also done a lot of interviews on YouTube and Spotify which can help you get some listening practice in!