Looking for a native English speaking tutor / tutors who can host a group discussion

Could anyone host a group discussion in English for an hour twice a month on Saturday at 10pm or 11pm Japan time (GMT + 9:00) for Yuko(yukoxoxo2000) and me?
Yuko and I will be fixed members and we would like to leave two more slots so that anyone can join us.

If you are learning Japanese, you might get a chance to learn some Japanese from us. :wink: Of course it is fine if you are not a Japanese learner.

If you can be our tutor for speaking English, please let me know!

Yes, I can be tutor. I can make slots for those times on the calender. Let me know what 2 times you want to do in a month. I would be glad to do that. You can email me to at devries.ethan@gmail.com. I would me more than happy to!

for some reason it starred my email out its devries.ethan@gmail.com

hmm it did it again, you can go to my profile to get my email :slight_smile: Iā€™m excited to tutor you guys.

Nice to mee you and thank you for your reply, Ethan :slight_smile:

I wrote a message to you on your wall.

We are still looking for a tutor for our group discussion.

Actually we prefer someone olderā€¦ college student for the youngest.
I believe young people can be a good language teacher, but I think we will be more comfortable sharing with interests.

I donā€™t want to discourage young tutors. I would love to sign up with their speaking lesson privately. :slight_smile:

Although I am, strictly speaking, not a native, I would have loved to offer my services as a tutor. I certainly meet your age requirement! I have to restrict my tutoring activities, however, because I travel a lot and would not be able to keep to a strict schedule. In addition, I already have an as-near-as-regular Saturday slot around that time. It would have been so nice though to be able to talk to you.

Itā€™s surprising that you havenā€™t been able to find an English tutor yet; I thought thereā€™d lots of people offering their services.

Although Iā€™m not new to the site, I know very little, if anything at all, about the process of tutoring discussions. Can you offer a little more information about what you are looking for exactly?


It would be perfect if you could be our tutor, but I know that you are busy. I asked Hiroko if SanneT would hold some more speaking lessons and she told me that you were busy taking care of your grand child. I understand perfectly because I am also busy with my three kids (itā€™s like jugglingā€¦).
However, it would be great if you could allocate your time for an extra discussion. Of course only when you have timeā€¦ like once a month or even once in three months! :slight_smile:

@alexandrec @Cantigua

Maybe I should have asked existing tutors for our Saturday discussion privately. Not so many English tutors seem to read this forum. Anyway, it would be nice to explore new tutors to widen our learning opportunity. :slight_smile:

Your question gave me a chance to rethink about what I want from LingQ Speaking. Thank you.
I put a great emphasis on input that is listening and reading by myself using LingQ system. So, speaking lesson will be more like a fun time to actually use the language.
I want our tutors to correct mistakes during the conversation (or in the report that is sent after the speaking lesson).
I also want to broaden my English vocabulary so I want tutors to use challenging word sometimes.
I also want to learn natural everyday English which you cannot find in texbooks.
It would be great to learn about foreign cultures.

We do not have any fixed format for speaking lesson in our mind. Tutors can experiment whatever they think will work.
When we have an issue to talk about such us current issues, we will tell that to the tutors in advance.

If you could open up some speaking slots (either private or group discussion will do), I would love to sign up for them so that I can talk about it in details. :slight_smile:

If anyone is looking for a casual tutor, I am always willing to tutor. You can message me an I will create a time slot for you

@ AngieAkiko
Thank you for your comment . You are so kind. One of these days we might be able to have a group discussion!

Sorry I canā€™t volunteer, because itā€™s smack in the middle of Saturday and I do family things then. I have some time free on weekdays at that time though.

I appreciate that you have set up lots of speaking slots!
I will be out of town to attend a Buddhist services my parents house and wonā€™t be able to sign up for speaking lessons.
But I will next week! I am happy to see some members have signed up for your group discussion and Iā€™m looking forward to doing it myself :slight_smile:

Thank you for your kind comment. As a mother of three kids, I totally understand your situation. We would like a group discussion on weekend because Yuko is super-busy on weekdays.
I will join your group discussion on weekdays in future!!

It would be good if you could check out some of the new tutors, maybe on a ā€œguest tutorā€ basis. New tutors can learn a lot from experienced studentsā€¦thatā€™s how I started tutoring!

Come to think of it, AngieAkiko-san may have been one of those first students who showed me how to do it :wink:

Yea, I have just started tutoring and Iā€™m excited and love to do it. Iā€™m only 16 so I understand why people want an actualy tutor, but if their is anyone that wants a casual tutor session, where we talk about what ever you want and I can give you corrections and tips, I am more than willing to do that. I love to do it and I hope to be able to become more experienced and keep tutoring on lingq

Hello there.

Iā€™m a 25 year old South African, native English speaker. I hold a Bachelors degree with honours and English teaching qualification with 1 yearā€™s online teaching experience. I teach on Lingq and privately outside of it. Please see my profile and check out my blog. Iā€™d love to teach group lessons and have plenty of experience with this. Iā€™m also available at the time youā€™re looking for. As a plus, I speak a tiny bit of Japanese and I really want to learn more. haha

Hoping to hear from you soon.


Thank you for being English tutor. Iā€™m happy to see you listed on Speaking section.
We have already asked Centigua for Saturday discussion. However I would like to talk to other tutors and learn English through their different thoughts.

Now I am busy with my kids and cannot sign up for speaking lessons as frequently as I would like, but I will definitely sign up for your speaking lessons someday.

@All the tutors and future tutors who kindly gave feedback

Thank you so much for volunteering to be an English tutor here at LingQ.
I am happy to find more tutors listed on speaking section which offer more lessons and varieties. and I am sure that lots of other English learning LingQers will feel the same way :slight_smile: