Hello, i would like to find a person who is native English speaker and could help me to improve my skills. I think my level is intermediate, but wish to get better! Looking forward!
I’m originally from Lithuania o.O
Hello, i would like to find a person who is native English speaker and could help me to improve my skills. I think my level is intermediate, but wish to get better! Looking forward!
I’m originally from Lithuania o.O
No body interested? -.-
I would be happy to have a conversation or two with you. I can be Skyped at kpnagle1.
Hi, I’d be happy to chat with you some time. I’m a native English speaker from the UK. Add me on Skype: whatsthisgizmo
Thank you kpnagle and shiningskyline for your reply! I appreciate that and added you to skype!! Hope we have some chat:)
I am from Bangladesh,completed Graduation in Pharmacy dept.Now wish to take IELTS for higher study.Thats why I would like to find a person who is native English speaker and could help me to improve my skills. I think my level is intermediate, but wish to get better! Looking forward!My skype id is snowball775.