
I’m going to London this month with my friends. Can anybody give me some tips for some places where we can eat or go in the evening? It would be easier for me if i know something about the city when we go there. We’d like like to go to pubs or clubs in the evening. Please write to me if you know london and you can help me! Thanks!

Bring lots of money. When I was there 3 years ago, I avoided the tourist traps, but the prices for pub food and drinks were double what we pay in Canada. Even street vendors were about double the average here.

just keep your wits about you. It’s a nice place (if you go to the right side of it, the otherside is an a bad state) and you can go anywhere if you like, you’ll find somewhere to go for sure. Covent Gardens are very atmospheric. If you do bring lots of money, keep some in your wallet and hide notes in the coin bit of your wallet or wherever you can. London is an extremely busy place and if you do get pickpocketed, they’ll look in your wallet, take what they first see and then throw the wallet somewhere so they don’t have it on them. at least if you find it again, you’ll find all the money you hid. You don’t want to be walking around London with no money.

I recommend a place called Kingston. It’s in sw London. It has a great nightclub there called Oceana. There is a pub just accross the road from there.

Well I would recommend going in the pub across the road from Oceana (Kings Tun) it’s much much cheaper and it does not smell of body odour :stuck_out_tongue: and if you go in on a Wednesday night it is full of lovely people! If not you have Barcadia next door to it.