Listening to radio

Is it worth to listen to radio in the target language even if I know only 2500 words and probably will understand like 10-20%?
I mean, in the free time while I’m tired of the lessons.

Go for what you like and you’re interested in. If you like radio, go for it. Your understanding will also vary depending on what you choose to listen to. For example, I remember I used to listen to English and French short wave stations long ago (before the web). If you listen to the news in your native language and then in your target tongue, you’ll know more or less what they’ll be talking about and that increases understanding a great deal.

I have about the same number of words in French according to LingQ, but I guess I’ve some more because sometimes I study outside LingQ.

Listening to radio programs is still to difficult for me, but you have to make your own decision. The problem is that I cannot focus on the speech if I don’t get enough meaning out of it. If I understand only 20-30 % of the words, it is meaningless. The contradiction of words in French makes it more difficult too.

Try it out, and you’ll have your answer :wink:

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