Listening hours shown as negative in my "progress snapshot"

I try to hit the goals in my progress snapshot but recently my listening hours are showing up as negative numbers. I don’t know how that impacts my activity score. This happens only for my spanish, my german is fine. I listening to a heck of a lot of spanish audio today but it is not filled up in the progress meter. do you know what the problem is? I’ve been listening to my own imports, could I have done something wrong when I imported these?

The question is how you’ve added the audio. If you have uploaded the audio, the system calculates its length automatically. If you link to an external audio source you’ve to calculate and add the duration in seconds on your own. Then you have to open the “advanced settings” and put it into the field “duration”.

Thanks Vera for your response. I uploaded the MP3 sound files and I checked and the proper amount of time is included in the file and when I open the specific imports I can see that the number of listening times and the total time is accurate but when I look at the progress snapshot it shows up as negative time. When I look at the 7 day activity score, it shows up as negative as well so I don’t believe my listening from the app for my spanish is getting properly included in the activity score. I’m wondering if other have had the same concern with the app?

Thanks Vera for your response. I uploaded the MP3 sound files and I checked and the proper amount of time is included in the file and when I open the specific imports I can see that the number of listening times and the total time is accurate but when I look at the progress snapshot it shows up as negative time. When I look at the 7 day activity score, it shows up as negative as well so I don’t believe my listening from the app for my spanish is getting properly included in the activity score. I’m wondering if other have had the same concern with the app?

@Ryanl321 - Sorry to hear you’re having trouble with this! Listening is a statistic that can be manually adjusted via the Progress Snapshot. Is it possible that you adjusted this number manually? For yesterday, your listening time shows up as -4.3 hours.

What I would recommend is that you go in and manually add back this time to cancel out the negative, then keep an eye on it and see if it happens again while just listening and using the site.

Thanks Alex, I doubt that I did it manually like this but I guess I could do something like that. I’ll keep an eye on it, it looks like today it is ok, thanks for your help!

@Alex - I’m bringing up this issue in the thread. The negative progress is still showing up in my stats. I can email you the snapshot since I’m not able to paste it to this reply. I didn’t use the program on my desktop yesterday so I couldn’t have accidently recording the negative stats. Also, I understand that I can manually add back the time but manually adjusting the time does nothing to my score and the score provides incentive to continue to use the site daily.

I also know that I listened on my iphone a lot yesterday even if I simply reversed the negative time I could approximate how much I listened with the manual adjustment but that doesn’t solve the problem. This has happened several times before and I’m amazed that this issue isn’t hasn’t been brought up before. My two questions for you:
1.) Once I’m done listening to a program on my iphone should I “refresh” the application as soon as I’m done so the points and stats properly register on the server?
2.) This only happens on my spanish, not my german stats. Is it possible that the counters do not feed the stats for the items I imported? Has that ever been a concern?

@Ryanl321 - Thanks for bringing this to our attention. The good news is that listening isn’t currently included in the Activity Score calculation, so these negative times won’t affect your Activity Score in any way.

I checked your Spanish stats and there does seem to be something strange going on here. Are the lessons that you studied in the past two days lessons that you imported yourself or lessons that you took from the Library? If they are your own lessons, would you be able to go into the Edit Lesson page (click the Edit button at the top of the lesson on the site), click on Advanced Settings then see what it is showing in the Duration field? See here:

Also, when you finish playing through a lesson on the app would you confirm whether the listening counter increases by one automatically?