Linking capitalized text + Google translate


If there’s capitalized text in a word to be Lingqed, such as chapter headings or text of someone shouting, the google translate engine returns the translation also in capital. LingQ makes the word lowercase, but even if the translation is correct, I need to go an edit it to make it lowercase.

I wonder if LingQ could implement a check for all uppercase responses greater than 4 or 5 characters and in that case make them lowercase? Some short uppercase translations are appropriate eg NATO, OECD

Not a big problem, but some texts use entire paragraphs of uppercase text (eg email messages, telegrams). The book I’m reading now capitalizes the first three words of each chapter.


For DRYPANDE, LingQ shows drypande and google returns DRIPPING.

@keke - I can see where this would be handy for you. We can add this to our wish list but no promises as to when we might do this.

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Ok, thanks. It’s not a big problem at all.