Linguistics and Steve

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Do you need a degree in order to learn a language correctly?
Well, if you can speak your native language without any degree in linguistics, that means you don’t need it.

You can also learn linguistics without a degree, perhaps even faster and more efficiently than in a university setting.

He put up another video (spelling Steve’s surname correctly for the first time ever) called:

“What did Steve Kaufmann finally do that Christophe Clugston agrees with?”

Pretty funny, silly stuff. He really doesn’t like Steve. The content of this video is pretty whacky. He truly thinks language learners without linguistics degrees are undeserving of respect. I don’t get it.

@Chris, at first I thought it was a joke or something, but it seems he is serious. I don’t know. Maybe these videos belong to the weird part of Youtube.

To me, having a degree on linguistics and learn languages is like being a car engineer and learning how to drive a car. It can help but it’s not essential.

I agree with Oscar 100%. The car analogy is spot on. I cant think of a better analogy than that.

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Highly-skilled racing drivers know many things from the driver’s perspective, but I bet most of them can not understand the electronics and aerodinamics design, for example.

Plus, a very good engineer does not necessarily have to be a good driver.

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RE: " there are some areas within linguistics which have purely practical, or both theoretical and practical components which truly do lend themselves to language study and if every language learner was skilled in them, they would learn languages in a better way. "

What would those things be? (I need all the help I can get).

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I quite agree with you Imi.

For me the problem is that people who want to learn a language have too much expectations on grammar and linguistics in general. Many of them get easily fustrated.

Here in Spain you can find a lot of people who are not able to speak or even write English but they have a good knowledge of the English grammar (better than some natives).

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Of course Imi,
But if they spend hundrends of hours only studying grammar instead of reading, listening, writing and speaking, then, it can be a problem.

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Day shows that he is a linguist, I prove that I am Bread pitty.