% LingQs needed

% New Words is shown, but % LingQs is not. % LingQs would be very useful. After all, isn’t this what LingQ is really all about? It could also be added to the search (LingQ % sort order)


I agree, I would appreciate to see the % of lingqs (yellow words) as well. Especially because when repeating a lesson, where blue words are at zero, it is useful to see the difficult of the repetition as well based on percentage.


Thanks for your feedback and suggestions. We’ll see what we can do to improve things.


I think also sorting by white% would be nice. Since yellow is not really known and we should aim to 95-98% known when reading.

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I would not pay that much attention to %, or number of words whether it’s for new words or lingqs. There isn’t really a good way to calculate those so that they would be accurate. Currently it’s calculateted using unique words, but since usually words will repeat it will make a huge variance. With current method 2 texts with same % could in theory have anything between 0-100%. Short example; lets say 0 is unknown and 1 is known. Then sequance 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 and 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 would both be counted to be 50% unknown. Ofcourse this is an extreme example, but even in the real world it makes huge variation. If I take a book from my lingq, the whole book has about 70% unknown, but chapters only around 30% and if the chapters were to be cut that would go down even more. That’s not to say % couldn’t be useful, but I wouldn’t be too strict with that. Also there isn’t a easy way to calculate % better as other ways have similar variance, but from the other direction. It should be possible to make some sort of a algorythm that would consider repetition and give some estimate of difficulty. Even then there would be some variance on how difficult it’s for any one person depending on other factores than vocabulary.

@dianmao That % you are referring to is to my knowledge calculated in a different way using total words and total unknown words. What that might be in lingq is hard to estimate as it depends on so many factores, but it would be on average higher than that. With 20% unknown you could still get in that range and certainly with 10%.