lingQing in iPad


does anyone know how to do lingQing on phrase on the iPad? I accidentally did it once, but have no clue how I did it!

I use LingQ almost entirely on the iPad and I am not able to LingQ phrases. I also cannot LingQ words that have previously been marked as known. I hope you find a solution to this.

I seem to remember it not working correctly because of the way the iPad handles text selection. For example, some sites prevent you from highlighting the text on the page, but the iPad seems to automatically override this and allows you to select the text anyway. In any case, I don’t have an iPad myself so maybe Mark or Steve can comment on this one.

You can check on an iPhone too: you are not able to “click, hold, move, release”. This is not possible on Touch devices. LingQ has to find a different approach here, as Touch devices are becoming more and more popular!

I cannot LingQ words that have already been marked as known because that requires double clicking on the word. However, with the iPad, the double click (or double tap I guess) is reserved for zooming in and out of bits of websites, so when I double click on a word on the LingQ interface, it either zooms out a bit or zooms in. I guess there is not much that can be done about this. Of course I could enter the word another way.

I just played around with the iPad and worked out how to LingQ a phrase. Firstly, select and copy the phrase that you want to LingQ so that it can be pasted later. Then create a LingQ out of one of the words in the text that have not been LingQed. Which word you use makes no difference because the LingQ will be very temporary. Then open the dashboard (or at least I think that is what it is called; the thing on the right anyway) and click on the LingQ that you just made so that all of the information appears. Then click on the title of the LingQ at the top (which should be the word that you LingQed a few seconds earlier) next to the LingQ logo. This will allow you to edit the title of the LingQ. Then delete the word that is there and paste your phrase into the title. Edit the hint to be whatever it is you want, and then finally refresh the webpage (you can probably refresh at the end if you don’t care to see the change straight away). Upon refreshing, the word that you originally LingQed will be blue again, and the phrase will be a LingQ. Bingo bango.

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Thank you!

Of course you don’t need a blue word to do that. You can also do it with an existing LingQ if you want. You just need to create a LingQ from that word again when you are done, which is hardly a problem. One can surely create a LingQ from a word that is already marked as known this way, though I probably wouldn’t bother.

@ColinPhilipJohnstone - Thanks for illustrating a way of LingQing phrases on the iPad. Highlighting and creating LingQs is a limitation of touchscreen devices and there is no obvious way of enabling this otherwise.

I find that I can create all the lingqs I want on the ipad (since my fix for phrases also works for individual words that have been previously marked as known) so I don’t think it is a big problem. The only realistic short term solution that i can think of would be to add an easy button on the reading interface for quickly manually entering lingqs. However, I can’t image that this problem is a big priority, especially since a simple solution is already available.

Just to point out one thing that I just noticed. With the fix that I described, the sentence with the LingQ will be wrong. Not such a problem, but you can fix it by copying and pasting the sentence into the obvious place if you want.