Lingq Website Problems

Today at 10: 23 A.M. Central Standard time. I had trouble getting on the lingq website on google chrome, which I didn’t have yesterday. So, I’m now on internet explorer and the site is really slow to load. My internet is not the problem, because I was on here yesterday like I said earlier. So the lingq site maybe needs some maintains soon to fix something. There has been already a complaint about lingq on google chrome from a person named" MADARA" and here is the url to this person’s thread below.

Lingq On Google Chrome Problem - Language Forum @ LingQ

I hope this problem can be fixed soon, so I can get back to learning. Thank you for reading and or responding as well.

@OzoneFilms - Sorry for the trouble! While the issue with site slowness seems to have resolved itself, our development team is currently looking into this to find out exactly what happened.

Regarding Chrome, are you still experiencing issues unique to Chrome?

Yes, I have. I just turned on my computer. Apparently the google home page I put on internet explorer had problems, but when I typed lingq in the url search it worked. So, google must be having troubles on their side. I guess. But other than google chrome and the google web page, everything else is working.

@OzoneFilms - Glad to hear the site is working properly. For any remaining issues some additional information would be helpful so we can better understand what might be going on.