Lingq visibility online

I’m worried. I had to rebuild my computer, so I lost most of my old links to websites. I forgot the name of this webesite (how could I possibly do that!!!) and had to do a search in Gooogle. I thought this was the only language learning website, the centre of the Universe so to speak, but a huge number of other language leanring websites came up. Lingq was not among them. This seems to me to be a major problem, if Lingq does not come up on a Google search on “language learning online”. I think you may need to inform Google and other search engines of your presence. It would be easy to be so confident in your execellence that you become complacent and lose out to competitors.

Very best regards,
Peter Maughan
(Russian lauguage student)

@rambles - thanks a lot for your feedback and suggestions! :slight_smile: Actually, we are working on this. The good news is that our site is on the first page of Google search results (by search phrase “language learning online”). It is still hard to compete with such sites as Babbel, Livemocha, Duolingo, etc. who spend huge amounts of money on marketing. As we are growing too, we hope to do better and better here!

Спасибо! Удачи вам в изучении русского языка! :slight_smile: