LingQ review

Disclaimer my review is intuitive, so you might not agree.

TITLE 1: The forum on LingQ is top class in terms of support for language learners.


LingQ gives support even in the little most obvious things, which gives people the confidence to ask for help in the larger things.

Many language forums will ignore any obvious questions that you ask, that they believe you can just google. Or anything that’s too simplistic.

For example I wrote on another forum how do I pronounce the French r…and I got no responses. My intuition tells me it’s because people would of had a “just google it attitude.”

Whereas on LingQ I got waaaaaaaay more responses than I was expecting.

YES I could of just googled it. I’m pretty internet savvy. But even though people can google it, sometimes people ask easy to google questions as a way of connecting with the community. As a way of building stronger bonds with other language learners.

So the reason LingQ is so strong in terms of community, is because they answer those “small and easy to google questions.” In fact the couples who are married the longest are consistent on the small things, and yes they do big things. But the couples who only go on big dates, but don’t have any small little rituals tend to fall apart.

This is great for language learners, who when they are READY to speak, know that they are speaking or writing to a very supportive community.



Lingqers are so supportive that I could write a post in a second language with bad word choice and bad grammar. I could even give some language learning techniques that might not be that great; and someone will still give you a rose for making the effort to help.


The criticism is very mature. For example instead of saying “YOUR WRONG YOU KNOW NOTHING”…a Linngqer will say “WELL IN MY EXPERIENCE…THIS IS HOW IT WENT FOR ME.”


Did you know that most people spend the majority of their time in their native language, watching movies, going on FaceBook, texting friends…reading etc? In this really internet savvy culture…talking isn’t done as often as looking and listening.

So when all these language courses are all about “speaking” “speaking”…I’m just like I don’t talk very much in my own native tongue… I spend most of my time wanting to read books and watch movies

But LingQ has an attitude of what do you want? Do you want to speak to people? Do you want understand movies/music? Do you wanna read? You do what you want! You have already succeeded before you even speak, you don’t need to speak to know that your improving and doing well in the language.

Whereas other so called individuals no name no shame say phrases like "I’m sorry but I just can’t be an anti social robot. For me a language is about speaking " PARAPHRASED

Some people are pretty quiet in their native language. They’re NOT shy. They just don’t feel like talking much. And I think it’s wrong for people to sort of have an insulting mindset towards them, like “oh your not interested in speaking…what a antisocial” in a degrading sort of way Look if someone isn’t that into talking in their native language, why should they be forced to do it in their target language?


  1. Um I can speak the language. cue the standing ovation and the looks of wonder and amazement.

  2. Um I can’t really speak the language…but I can understand all of it… *Oh yeah cool cool, just keep practicing and one day you’ll be able to speak."

Did you know it’s harder to understand a language than to speak it? In fact in terms of language development a child listens more than they speak in the early stages, because listening takes more time to develop. Being able to understand a language takes a lot more language matter being developed in your brain than speaking.

In fact you can speak in a week with the right conditions. A patient native speaker, a dictionary…whereas in a week of listening…well let’s just say it won’t be as good as your speaking.

So it’s GREAT that LingQ praises “how many words you know passively or actively” . It’s great that LingQ gives a lot of praise to those who have succeeded in being able to understand at different levels in their target language, or at being able to write at different levels in their target language. Praise should be given in all areas of success regarding language learning…and LINGQ delivers.

TITLE 3 REASON 3: Lingq learners have more interesting conversations (after a certain period of time), and they are more articulate, and have a better command of words than other language learners who don’t use books, and articles and newspaper and similar learning to LingQ.

The reason is obvious. LingQ has a lot of authentic books. So even if someone doesn’t use LingQ but uses the Lingq method, their command of the language is going to be a lot better. than another language learner who just uses a phrasebook.

However the only downside is, it can take Lingqers longer to start speaking, because novels, books, newspapers don’t necessarily have direct phrases like a phrasebook. And direct phrases are things we can usually say straight off the bat in our day to day lives…but when Lingqers finally do speak…it’s usually leagues above people who don’t read that much in their target language.

A native speaker who reads a lot is ahead in terms of articulacy, depth of conversation, and use of words than a native speaker who doesn’t read a lot. So it stands to reason that a person who reads a lot will be ahead of other learners of the same language, Yes it will take them longer to speak, because they aren’t getting direct phrases from a phrase book. But when they do speak it will definitely be better.



I couldn’t agree more Cehralina! That describes exactly my thinking and what I am going through. Great review!

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Another thing about the lingq forum is you know you are dealing with people that share a common bond, and not just someone that started learning a language 3 months ago, and then wants to tell the internet all about it.

You can see people’s experiences in their activity. Click on exchange > exchange home and click through the rankings.

People can, and should, contribute their own lessons, and you can see their level when they do. You can see their lingqs. Some others will share their youtube and blog posts.

In this way, lingq automatically vets the forum discussion.

What other language forums are you on?

I agree though, this forum is great. I can ask questions about the little steps and I usually get at least one answer.

Other forums I’ve been on, stress speaking right away and take it as truth. At least here, we don’t neglect reading and listening. I’m not a fan of the Benny Lewis method, of speaking right away, and we can at least discuss it here.

I have the same thoughts about forums with a strict “google it” attitude. Fact is I can google anything and eventually find it, but if I wanted to isolate myself in the learning process with a dictionary and an Alexander Pushkin collection, I suppose I wouldn’t have registered on a forum in the first place. Most of those forums are dead in my experience. No one posts for weeks and weeks and it just gets to the point where you stop logging in because you realize they’re not helpful.

The irony is that I Google the answer, find a forum discussing the same topic, then then answers in the thread are “Google it”.


It’s more the forums with a speak from day one mindset.

I agree bro. I believe in giving all rounded praise. If someone has a C2 ability in say French in the reading and listening sections, but less than an A1 when it comes to speaking.


If this person however has no interest in speaking, I won’t insult the hard work they put into mastering the language skills they wanted to master, just by telling them they have to be a good speaker; before I give them any praise.

Also some people hardly talk when it comes to their native language…In fact some people would rather play games on their X-box than talk to people…and then you have people saying "okay now you have to talk people? …It’s like “whaa? Says who? The language police?”

However if someone wants to become good at speaking a language, and their speaking skills are not up to par. Then I would be honest with them about the fact that they need to start speaking if they want to become good at speaking. Yet I would still congratulate them on the skills they’ve mastered to varying degrees of fluency. I’ll even praise them for mastering how to pronounce one letter. For someone who wants to improve their speaking, but is too shy to speak; then Benny Lewis website is a good website. But if you don’t feel an urgency to speak, then people shouldn’t let Benny and people with Benny’s mindset judge their language ability. Their mindset is that the praise should be given to those that can speak.

But I’m more impressed with someone who can read Les Miserables from cover to cover in French, write detailed review on it in French. than I am with someone who had a 1 hour conversation on Skype. I don’t want to be disrespectful, but anybody can have a one hour conversation with a dictionary, a bit of patience from a native speaker, and a willingness to make mistakes; after only a week. The reason why it takes longer is because most people need time to gain confidence to speak in an unfamiliar language and make mistakes…Benny makes it seem easy, but people fail to realize he wasn’t always that confident, he was shy and he had to work his way up to being confident. However writing a detailed review on a literature masterpiece that requires a lot of language skill; and chances are if this person is given just a little bit of time to practice speaking, they will outclass another language learner of the same level; who does not read that much. It’s common sense: A native speaker who reads a lot is more articulate than a native speaker who doesn’t read a lot. A B2 level speaker in say French who reads is going to be more articulate with their B2, than someone with a B2 who doesn’t read a lot. Sure the person who reads a lot may be slower to speak, but once they get the ball rolling; they will be better speakers.

I agree!

Lol this made me laugh…cause it’s so true!

I honestly think speaking is over rated. You have a lot of internet “polyglots” with good speaking abilities, but they end up being frauds by just rehearsing and not bother reading or listening. It’s like skipping leg day at the gym!

Quite honestly, I would rather understand writing and audio over just speaking any day. However, like you said, there are more than one way to approach a language, but to neglect one field is a serious injustice to oneself.

Check out this url. It’s called the one aspect of language learning you can’t bullshit. In fact I would measure someone’s ability by their listening, not their speaking: The One Thing You Can't Bullshit In Foreign Language Learning

Tthank you for these encouraging words. I agree that comprehension should be the first goal. Comprehension is more important than being able to say a few words early. However nothing at LingQ prevents people from starting to speak whenever they feel the urge or the need. It’s just a matter of selecting easier content and staying with it longer to train in some basic expressions. I prefer to move on to more meaningful content, knowing that in the end I will have a broader vocabulary and better comprehension.