Lingq Mobile phone app troubles

Lingq works perfectly on my computer but whenever I try to use it on my phone it loads up and everything but a lot of the words I can’t interact with also, words that I have never seen don’t appear in blue. I tested this but checking the same lesson on my computer and the phone app just skips words. The word Comocuales is shown as known on my phone which I’ve never made known. The same lesson later that day had it as a lingq and it would let me tap on it to see the translation i made. Pictures below. Also, downloading audio is very buggy i don’t know why this is. Any solutions would be gratefully appreciated. Thank you! I forgot to say this is on andriod.

Thanks for reporting this! I’ll report the problem to our Android developers and I am sure we will have it fixed soon.

There is also a problem using the android app on xiaomi devices. can’t mark and lingQ phrases, Only single words can be marked and be lingQed. I even tried the newest xiaomi device. with no success.