Are the Lingq levels (beginner 1/2, intermediate 1/2, …) based on the CEFR ?
For example, is the “advanced 2” level corresponding to “C2” ?
Thanks for your answers !!!
Are the Lingq levels (beginner 1/2, intermediate 1/2, …) based on the CEFR ?
For example, is the “advanced 2” level corresponding to “C2” ?
Thanks for your answers !!!
We don’t test, but we took our level descriptions from the CEFR and I consider them roughly equivalent. Nothing scientific mind you.
Thanks for the precision, Steve !
It seems to me that at the top end of the scale LingQ has more levels than CEFRL. I am advanced 2 on LingQ in Russian, but I think I’m only B2 on CEFRL.
LingQ at present only seems to go up to advanced 3, I’ve been campaigning for some higher advanced levels.
@ skyblueteapot :
You think you are only B2 on the CEFRL because of a lack of vocabulary or because your grammar/master of the language is not good enough ?
LingQ simply calculates your level by counting the number of known words. So it is only a rough calculation. Only your passive vocabulary is considered. Your ability to speak and write, and your use of grammar is not considered like in the CEFRL.
I think like Skyblueteapot that LingQ grades to early learners as Advanced 1 or Advanced 2.
Here you can read about it: Avatar Help
For example I would consider my level of English as B2. But LingQ grade me as Advanced 1, and I’m not far from Advanced 2 on LingQ.
The size of your avatar/known words isn’t necessarily a very good indicator of your level like Veral indicated. The CEFRL uses “what can you do” as to indicate your level. It is quite possible to be in an advanced level here because you know a lot of words and not be to express yourself, even by A1 level definitions, as many students who studied for years can attest. Acquiring words and phrases is essential but soon we need to put these words/phrases to use by learning how to write and speak, and use tutors/or natives to guide and correct you.
We are only able to measure certain things at LingQ, having to do with your passive knowledge of the language. It is my experience that with a strong enough level of understanding, familiarity, vocabulary, with enough exposure behind you, in other words with the kinds of things that we measure at LingQ, when you start to speaking you improve quite quickly.
Personally I find speaking to our tutors here, and then reviewing the conversation report very useful once I have enough of a base.
In a way our levels indicate the user’s potential. It is up the the learner to turn that potential into reality.