LingQ Import not working for days - creates one block of text

Is anyone else having this problem? For a week now I am unable to upload any new videos because of this and it even happens with some articles.

This is very frustrating and making it very hard to use the website.



The problem here is because LingQ has removed the paragraph formatting from imports for whatever reason.

While this free lesson editor extension isn’t developed anymore it has a nifty feature of Paragraph Everything button that you could use. Something like this



Same problem here. I wouldn’t get my hopes up if I were you. They just don’t seem to fix things once its broken.


I reported the issue to our team and they are looking into it.


I am having a similar problem. Yesterday there were no paragraphs, which I could live with. Today, though, only a few words are transcribed from the video. I’ve tried a few and I get the same type of result, which can be seen in the screenshot attached to this message. This particular video is about 15 minutes long and was found at, if that matters at all.

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My motivation to read one big block of text is admittedly not high, though I’m carrying on.


We are working on the issue and we will have it fixed soon.


Thank you, since it’s been a few days. Any update here?

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No updates yet, sorry, but it’s a work in progress.

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Any update? It’s been 10 days since this was reported and I’m still having the same issue. I know it’s not always easy to squash bugs but LingQ premium is expensive and this is kind of a deal breaker for me.


If they had carried out regression testing they would have found this bug, and it would not have been released to users.

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Hi @adam_bradshaw , yesterday added YouTube live support (urls as in your example Just delete previous lesson and re-import it once again. Thanks!

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i reported the same bug (to be precise — transcript resulting in one block of text) back in september and still waiting :slight_smile:


oh my god now I got a single block of text after importing from youtube which was not the case recently. another nice update I got to say :smiling_face_with_tear:


It looks random:

Two imports I did in a row.

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it worked on my side today! finally :slight_smile:


Still not working for me.

Weirdly, I mistakenly imported English subs from a Korean Netflix show and it was paragraphed correctly, but then when I tried to the import the Korean sub it was back to being one huge block of text. Really frustrating.

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@zoran it’s still happening for me…any ideas here?

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It is recommended that the web page or application be separated from the stable and beta versions, and then let the user choose which one to use. It can ensure that users who do not need new features but need stable learning will not be affected by new features. Let users who enjoy the new features actively report problems and bugs in the program.