Lingq google chrome extensions

I have tried to use Lingq google chrome extension at first it seem to work. I could see all the blues and yellow words.
But now it has stopped working. I am using windows. Does anyone know why it would just stop working.

Thank you.

We are having issues with the extension, particularly with the on page function. I recommend importing to LingQ using the extension for now. Sorry about that.

It is such a shame, I think that it is a great tool to use. Please keep working on the extension it is a easy way to learn without finding material. It has got lots of potential.

We do intend on improving it but the on page highlighting is particularly tricky. We will get to it when we have time and have some ideas on making it easier to find material in general. I agree and use the extension regularly but I import to LingQ instead of on page. Do you not find clicking the “Open on LingQ” button as useful? I find I would rather read on LingQ because it just works better and so I can make phrases.