LingQ Extension for Google Chrome: Learn Languages while surfing the web!

Yes Tampermonkey is the Greasemonkey for Chrome. My scripts work… I think


I would love to have it on Firefox too.

I tried it out just briefly (latest version of Chrome on Debian GNU/Linux) and it seems to work for me. I accidentally imported a Wikipedia article into LingQ, so it must be working!

On the other hand, I would also vote for a Firefox version. Although I sometimes use Chrome on my laptop, I use Firefox pretty much exclusively on my workstation at the office…

Right, but is the highlighting in the webpage you are trying to read working and not just the highlighting on the LingQ reading page?

Yes, unknown words are blue and I can select a hint or mark them as known. It would be nice to be able to create my own hint when I don’t like any of the existing ones. Also, the extension doesn’t like Wikipedia’s citations: “Autorin.[1]” shows up as “autorin1” so I can’t lingq “autorin” or mark it as a known word… I haven’t done any importing yet (except for the accidental import about an hour ago via the extension), so maybe that’s a known issue that also occurs with imported material…

I see. What version of Chrome are you using? I am using the most up to date version for the mac. Version 33.0.1750.117

I’m also on version 33.0.1750.117, which is the latest for Debian. I’ll try on a Mac later today; maybe the platform makes a difference. I would first wonder if there’s a conflict with another extension, though. In my case I’m using an almost bare-bones version of Chrome. The only other extension installed is Google Docs…

For those of you having trouble with the extension, make sure you wait until the page has fully loaded before you click the extension. Secondly, wait for the “Imported successfully” notification to flash up before trying to click either button. In particular, the LingQ on page button. Finally, give the LingQ on page button 5 to 10 seconds to load all the highlighting. Especially for longer pages.

It’s ability to identify the core text is not perfect but is pretty good. You don’t need to select text for it to work. It does not look for the selected text. If you would like to check the dictionary or select phrases, you will have to study it on LingQ. All lessons are automatically imported to LingQ anyway. You may find it convenient to go through the lesson on the page and then go back later to the text on LingQ to save some phrases or check the dictionary for a few words. Also, some types of punctuation do seem to cause problems for certain words. For the moment, we will just have to deal with some of these issues.

Regarding an FF extension, we are unlikely to develop one, at least for a while. If you want this functionality, you will have to use Chrome for now. If this proves to be a very popular feature, we can look at developing one for other browsers.

@spatterson - I would have chosen Foreign Languages if I could. The only options for categories that could remotely be considered relevant that I saw were Productivity, Social & Communication and Fun. None of them are really perfect so I went with Fun!

It’s strange that it doesn’t show up for non-English users. I have all regions ticked on. Perhaps it needs to be localized somehow. We will check into this.

@ mark

"make sure you wait until the page has fully loaded before you click the extension. Secondly, wait for the “Imported successfully” notification to flash up before trying to click either button. In particular, the LingQ on page button. Finally, give the LingQ on page button 5 to 10 seconds to load all the highlighting. "

So I did this and it worked on this Wikipedia page

but not on this Die Zeit (German newspaper) page

I have just being playing with it on the Wikipedia page where it did work and it is a really cool feature. Thanks.

@ColinJohnstone Yeah, the Die Zeit page doesn’t work for me either.

Ok, here are a couple of bugs.

Notice how the box for this word goes off the side of the screen.

Notice how ‘Welt[Bearbeiten]’ in the section title is being incorrectly recognised as one word ‘weltbearbeiten’.

The Die Zeit page linked above seems to be a listing of articles. When I open an actual article it works fine for me on that page.

Otherwise there will be some glitches related to strange characters contained in words. For the moment there is not much we can do about these but if you keep reporting them we will keep trying to refine things.

The Die Zeit article is an actual article. I have tried many articles from Die Zeit and it doesn’t work in any of them.

By the way, I like the extension and think I will find it useful. In pointing out issues and suggestions I may have forgotten to say thanks!

@jstoddard - Haha. You’re welcome! No problem pointing out issues. We realize it’s not perfect but it’s pretty good.

@Colin - This article works fine for me ZEIT ONLINE | Lesen Sie mit Werbung oder im PUR-Abo. Sie haben die Wahl.. I did have to wait 5 to 10 seconds for the green “Imported successfully” message to appear. Then it took another 5 to 10 seconds for the highlighting once I clicked the button. But it works well -

It works well for some pages and not for others. I will continue to use it as is. Understand that you also have other priorities at this time.

@spatterson - It looks like Foreign Language is only available as a category for Apps and not for Extensions. I have changed our category to Productivity which seems to be the category other language learning extensions are in. Not sure it will affect much…!

@ mark

I can’t get it to work at all on that page. I have tried everything I can think of. I can barely get it to work on any page, though when it does work, it looks excellent.