Lingq Chrome Is Very Slow

When I come on the site, it is very slow to load. It wasn’t happening before, until now. It’s somewhat of a pain. I can still use the site, but it take a little more time to load.

Hi @OzzyHellBack, we are going to use a new server for our site, so the speed should be improved soon! :slight_smile:

That is great news-- can’t wait.

Could this be why I keep getting Internat Server Error for lingq today? Am I the only one with this problem?

The new LingQ Google Chrome website linkup will not work for me because the language selection window does not open enough to get to any of the languages. I have taken a screenshot of this situation. Where can I post it?

@Chaoskind - sorry about that! Are you still experiencing this issue? We will take a look at your account now.
@Ginkgo58 - please send your screenshot to support[at]lingq[dot]com. Thanks!

Hi galina,
yes, I still have the same issue. I can access none of my languages except German now. :frowning:

@Chaoskind- Our developer took a look at your account. It should be fixed now. Please let us know how it goes!

It looks like everything is working fine now. Thanks very much!

@Chaoskind - sounds good! :slight_smile: Be sure to let us know if you run into this issue again. Good luck!