Lingq Browser Extension - Error 0: Can't parse this page

I have the same problem. Win 10, Firefox, e…g. with this video: SANDSLOTT - Sand Slott - YouTube

Can’t parse this page. Please upgrade LingQ Importer extension. KENTさん(Casual) International Company in Japan 日本にある外資系企業で働く!Listening Natural Conversation - YouTube error with this video

Problem with this particular video: Warum können wir durch Sport besser lernen? - 1, 2 oder 3 | ZDFtivi - YouTube

No its not fixed.
Can’t parse this page. Please upgrade LingQ Importer extension.

Having this issue with both chrome and firefox for Windows 10

New subscriber any help appreciated

Tried import again after 12 hours, this time successfully. Audio imported fine (thank you!), BUT there’s a minor problem - previews are empty, I have to add pictures manually.

I keep receiving the “0: Can’t parse this page. Please upgrade LingQ Importer extension.” message. Tried everything but to no avail.

Hey, the same problem here. I tried with firefox and google chrome but the problem persists. Any solution? thanks

Can’t parse this page – I’m having this problem still with Youtube today. Please advise.

I’m having the same error when trying to import from YouTube: "0: Can’t parse this page. Please upgrade LingQ Importer extension.: There’s nothing to update in the extension manager. Kindly advise. Thanks so much.

The problem is still there

Same here
Plugin version 1.7.11, Firefox 75.0, video is 一场流感如何演变成杀死5000万人的世界大瘟疫?1918西班牙流感始末 - YouTube
Thanks for looking into this issue!

It now works!

Dear zoran. Im using Lingq extension on Chrome. Wanted to import videos but importer doesnt work. I click on a video. then choose the language and presss IMPORT button wait for a long time and see ERROR/ Please fix this issue

@Alish05 Can you please try to reinstall the extension and let me know if that helps? If not, please email me links of youtube videos you tried to import but failed.