LingQ app on Onyx Boox

I’m finding the Onyx Boox Nova Air C to be a disaster with LingQ and that’s the only reason I purchased it! I can only highlight one word, I was thinking that I can highlight more than one word on my PC and just use Boox to review the flashcards…“BUT” every time i finish a flashcard review and go back to the lesson, it goes back to the 1st page, I then have to advance to the page where I left off…grrrrrrr…don’t buy this POS, unless you have other use’s for it, biggest waste of money I have spent in a long time and I want to save other members here some time and money!!! Happy Language Leaning everyone!!!

Strange that you have such a different experience to me. I have been having a great time using LingQ on the Onyx Boox Nova Air C and have already read quite a few books on it with LingQ. The device is far from a POS and the LingQ app overall works very well on it, which is somewhat surprising because it was not designed for such devices.

I also have difficulty highlighting phrases. It’s not so hard so long as you only highlight multiple words on the same line. It takes a bit of practice but you can do it easily and consistently. However, phrases that spread over multiple lines is almost impossible, or at least I have not worked out how to do it.

I think a difference between us is what we want from LingQ. For me, I want to just import eBooks and read them through once while saving and looking up unknown words as quickly as possible. I don’t review vocabulary or anything like that. For people like me, such a device is a godsend. Others want to thoroughly go through texts, looking up and saving phrases, studying vocabulary, reviewing sentences and pages, etc. If that’s what you want, this is not a good device.

I just tried again. I went to a lesson that I imported from YouTube video, I went to the page where I left off. I used the flash card setting review and returned to the lesson using the “back to lesson” link, I had to forward 16 pages to get back to where I left off, ( instead of going back to the page when I clicked onto, review lesson page). To much time wasted using Onyx Boox Nova Air C, when I could be spending time on my PC learning a language. I am going to continue seeing if i can make it work some how, I might even make a video to show just how useless this product is, while using LingQ!

As I wrote on the other post, I can’t reproduce this bug. It doesn’t sound like it’s related to the device but is probably a bug in the app. If you have a normal Android device (smartphone, tablet), try seeing if the same thing happens on that.

Thanks for your review. I wanna buy Air C just for reading books on lingq, I don’t ever do any exercise or flash cards.

I just read and reading on my smartphone isn’t very comfortable.

Do u think you could upload video (or explain at least) how fast it is when u click on a word, adjust status/open dictionary etc? Is it too slow to use it for languages where’re too many unknowns or lingqs?

I made a overly long post about it here

It contains a video. It barely takes any time or effort, so when I’m home tonight I will make another one showing a bit more. I have also played around with the device’s optimization settings a bit since I made the last video to make it work a bit better. I will also show me using German and Russian since I have vastly different numbers of unknown words in them. It is obviously way better when there are fewer unknown words, though I still really like using it for Russian where there are loads of yellow and blue on each page.

Overall, everything is quite fast, except loading lessons which varies but can be very slow. Still, it’s an eInk device so nothing is lightning fast. There is a bit of a delay with every operation, though it is quite small for just looking at unknown words and saving user hints. The biggest problem I think is typing in new hints for unknown words since typing on such a display is quite tedious. I rely very much on user hints and only type a few myself so it is ok, but if you need to or want to type loads of your own then it will very quickly become a real chore.