LingQ app on older tablet (android)

On my mobile phone, which is android the new app works fine, however I wanted to update on my tablet, which is also android, and now it keeps telling me that the app version is not compatible with my device…Am I stuck with the older version? I am not even offered to download the app anymore on that device. What can I do? Please help!

I had the same problem with my old iPad: I could not download the app. On my new iPad the app is available and works fine. It is the problem of any older device and it is due to the revenue model of the modern companies: you are forced to buy new devices from time to time.

well, if that’s the case, then I am forced to make do with using the online version, and the app on my phone, as I cannot afford a new device.

Tablet mode isn’t yet done for the new Android app, but should be very soon! Our Android developer is working on it.


Thanks, I thought they were the same for any mobile device. I didn’t realize there were differences!