LingQ App for Android does not synchronize links correctly

Hi, does anyone else have the following problem with the LingQ App for the Android Operating system?
When i create LingQs for a lesson i create them for individual words and whole sentences.
The links for the sentences are very useful as you can see the translation of the individual words in the correct context (as some words will have more than one meaning depending on context).

This works pretty well with the main web based application. However, when i synchronize my App with the web based application, the lingQs do not appear exactly as those in on the Web. The main problem is that a lot of the links of complete sentences are not transferred to the App. In these cases i can only highlight the individual words in the sentence to get the translation, i cannot get the translation of the whole sentence.

The App is running on my android tablet. I use the tablet to study when i am out and about and don’t have access to WIFI. I am using the latest version of the App.

Does anyone else experience this problem?
If so is there a work around for it?

As far

Thanks for the heads up on this! We are working on some enhancements to the app that will eventually allow you to save LingQs through the app as well. With this new feature, we’ll ensure it’s working properly and correctly displaying any phrases saved in a lesson :slight_smile: