Limitations with asian languages and a question about external links

Hi there, Im studying Japanese and Chinese with Lingq and I think its a great system thats easy to use and shows great potential.

I understand that there are some limitations when using the system for Asian languages, some of which are immeadiatley obvious such as the inability to detect where words start and end accurately.
Presumably this means that the number of known words, learned words, new words etc. is also not working at 100% efficiency. How inaccurate are the numbers (are they fairly useless or just slightly off?) and what are the other current limitations of the system pertaining to Asian languages? Am I right in thinking that the priority Lingq s are listed in order of their frequency of usage?
When will the Chinese and Japanese systems be fully functional?

In the library page may I suggest some sort of links page where users can add and share useful, potential content? I realise that there would be copyright problems if people started uploading to the library content from all sorts of web based sources and sharing it but if one could link to it, privately import the content then work in that way would that be ok?

For example テレ朝news , this website provides audio,video and a transcript for Japanese news items which are very short and punchy.

Yahoo!きっず検索 this page links to a bunch of japanese newspapers aimed at children.

Uploading this kind of stuff onto lingq could well be an infringement of copyright but a link to it and other material like it (presuming thats legal, I really have no idea about copyright laws) would be really useful.

One could easily use the Lingq language tools to study stuff, save the new vocab and listen/watch the audio through the original site. Similarly youtube is chocabloc with material in different languages, TV programs and the like, transcripts for which can often be found elsewhere on the internet.

To my knowledge the “unkown words” from a random Chinese article here at LingQ is the same as the number of sentences. No difference regardless of how many words I save. When I feel that I’ve got everything and click “Update”, the tool adds quite a low number to my “known words”, sometimes as low as ten or eleven (which matches the number of sentences perfectly) - since any sentence is really a string of words without spaces.

I take my presumably “known” vocabulary with a grain of salt.

The way I handle my Chinese texts at the moment is to copy/paste the content into one of the annotation tools out there, which separate words quite accurately. Then I paste the new text into a frequency analysis tool, which extracts and sorts the characters/words into a nice column, which I then paste into the vocabulary list. All this only takes a couple of minutes.

The major drawback is that I still have to enter hints, and ideally, phrases. If the texts had spaces I assume that the LingQ tool could extract phrases, but now I have to open the text in a new tab - in the print preview mode (to be able to search for the word and copy whatever phrase I find appropriate - it’s a pity that you can’t use the search function when the item is open).

You can import anything you like into LingQ without worrying about copyright. Of course, sharing it is a different story and you have to get permission or be reasonably sure that you’re able to share it first. Please share sources of content on our Content Forum, Content Forum - Language Forum @ LingQ