Lessons show up but not course

Hi there, I downloaded a new ebook and am seeing all of the individual lessons, but not the course under my courses. Can this be resolved? I’d like to be able to go to the course and not have to find the individual lessons.


me too. I just uploaded a couple of small ebooks and they have a similar name and without the courses it’s quite a pain to figure out where to start.

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Just chiming in to say I also created a new course today, and it is not showing up ( just in case this is not a slow update that will eventually resolve - it looks to me like lingq’s backend doesn’t update in realtime).

Me too. I thought it is my own problem. Now I know others also have the same. Hope IT can fix it soon? Thanks

There is definitely some major problem with imports at the moment. Imported lessons not show up anywhere. New courses you create for new imported content not show up. When you import new content into your existing courses, SOMETIMES they show up, sometimes they don’t. It’s like something completely broke in Lingq importing routines.

I have imported a course that I can’t access as such, but I can access some of the individual lessons (they show up under “Lessons” and “Imported Lessons”.) When I click on those, I can go to “View Course” and then I see all the lessons (i.e. the entire course), so I can then through that roundabout approach access the lesson I want. But only a few lessons show up as “lessons” this way and the course doesn’t show up as a course at all.

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Sorry everyone, this should be fixed now.

Not seeing it so far, so I added more lessons to my affected course. Still not showing up in either app or web.
So I went and edited the course description - nope, still not showing up.

This would seem to be a pretty serious database inconsistency bug? Such a bug going live hints at very poor testing practices.

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Mine isn’t fixed, sorry.

Mine is also not fixed yet. I imported a web article but cannot see it under Quick Imports course.

I was having the same problem. Now it has gotten worse. A lesson that I was changing from one course to another has completely disappeared. I can’t even find it by searching for it by name.

It showed up briefly in the new course, but now ¡Poof! It’s gone.

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How to change a lesson from one course to another? I thought I must delete it and re-upload. Thanks.

Now you can see again at the top the lessons you’ve imported, but not Courses that they lessons belong to. So if you import a course, the only way to access it is by chasing the lessons that are part of it in “Lessons” section. They still don’t show up in the “Courses” section.

Yes, when you change lesson between existing courses now they disappear in one of them and don’t appear as part of another. It’s funny because the Course counter shows “7” lessons, but only 4 of them are visible below and accessible in any way. UX is totally broken as of now, unless you’re just following other people’s courses and don’t do anything to add content on your own.

I asked our team to investigate these new issues you mentioned. Thanks.

Things seem to be working this morning. I haven’t made any new courses, but I have changed a lesson from one course to another and that worked. The lesson that disappeared, however, seems to be truly gone. It’s not a big deal; it was short, and I have already replaced it. But it is curious.

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When you are editing a lesson, you see in the upper right hand corner the name of the course that it is in. Click the three dots beside the name and you will get the option to change courses.

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Thanks for sharing. I also tested. When moving newly imported lesson from new course to old course, it appears in the old course. However, when moving back to new course again, the lesson still appears, but the new course doesn’t appear.

Creating a new course seems to work just fine. I did so to test.
It seems that our courses created over the couple of days simply weren’t added to our ‘studying’ lists - e.g. I created #IV today and it shows, but #III which was created on ~Friday isn’t. (This is All Courses->A-Z->My Imports).

Bummer, the course I imported has 54 lessons so creating a new one and moving all those lessons, especially when I can’t get to them all together, sounds like a pain in the bum.