Lessons - Read & Listen Question

I am still learning the LingQ system, and I hope I am not missing some information about this that is already posted on the site.

Under “My Lessons” there is a “Tasks” tab, and under that tab there is a “1. Read & Listen” with little arrows next to “How many times.” Am I supposed to be clicking these little arrows each time I read or listen to a lesson? How does this affect my “Activity Score” and my “Words of Reading” and “Hours of Listening?”

Thank you for your help.

@ EM8649 - Yes, you should click these controls to register how many times you read and listen to a lesson. This will then calculate reading and listening time for that lesson and add these numbers to your reading and listening stats. You can also add to those statistics manually in the progress snapshot by clicking on the little plus signs beside those tasks. They do not however, affect your Activity Score. Only those activities which are not controlled manually are included like LingQs created, lingQs learned, words of writing and hours of speaking.