Lessons Not Loading in iPad App (2.3.8)

Hello all,

I found another thread that mention this issue on an earlier version, but it didn’t shed any further light.

I am using a first generation iPad (not sure of the iOS) and version 2.3.8 which is presumably the “latest compatible version” of the app since I don’t have iOS 7ish. I don’t use 3G as my iPad is wifi only.

I have downloaded the app and logged in to Spanish (my ownly language). My flashcards load fine, to my knowledge I don’t have playlists. However, I keep getting a message saying “no lessons to display in this language. Switch languages in settings or open the app online to download your lesson from the website.”

I have:

–swiped downward continuously to refresh. the date and time changes, but no lessons load
–opened the lessons I want on my computer, iPhone app, and webpage through internet on iPad
–logged in and in again
–forced closed and relaunched the app
–deleted and reinstalled the app

Any insight would be most appreciated.

Thank you,

@peconicpublicaffairs - sorry for the late reply! Are you still experiencing this issue after the app re-installation?

Hello…oh hey, you’re the one from the videos who knitted the little yellow Avatar for the 90 Day Challenge!

thank you for the response. I got it worked out, but not in the way we were talking about. I re-installed the app, but it made no difference. However, after I upgraded the iOs operating system on the iPad (since I was changing Apple IDs anyway), I installed the almost latest version of the app again and then it worked subsequently.

Now that’s working, it’s much better than my iPhone screen! Good thing too. The book is Trafalgar with lots of Spanish words from the 1800s and prior.

Hi Ryan! :slight_smile: yes, I am a little yellow Avatar’s “mom” :slight_smile:

I am very glad to hear that now everything is working fine for you. We are still working on some minor issues but the main problems should be fixed. Good luck with your Spanish! Be sure to let us know if you run into any issues again.