Leaving feedback on lessons?

How does one leave feedback (other than roses and likes) for a given, lesson both to comment on the lesson and offer corrections for typos, etc… Thanks.


You can write to the people who shared this lesson. You can learn them below the title of the lessons.

I think the best thing would be to post a comment on the wall of the person who has shared a podcast in the libray. If you “follow” that person you can easily acces his / her wall. You should clearly name the title of the podcast.

But besides this you also have the possibility to write a comment on the “Ask your Tutor” subforum of the respective language. Then of course you should place a link to the podcast.


Maybe we need to add the ability to comment on a lesson without giving a rose.

If there are typos or other mistakes, for now you can comment on their wall, or even comment here on the forum.

I am a new LingQ user (Spanish learner) and I am having a similar issue. How can I determine that a particular course/lesson/author has been vetted? Is the target language grammatically correct? Is the translation into English accurate? Is the content useful? In short, is the content of the course/lesson worthy of emulation by the foreign language student?

Some kind of up/down user vote or star based rating system with comments might be useful, but ideally I would like to restrict my course selection from among courses that have been vetted by reliable experts in the target language.

My experience with the course “LingQ 101 - Getting Started” lessons 1-10 will illustrate my point. The Spanish adjective “nuevo” is used throughout this course in phrases like “un nuevo idioma” and “nuevas palabras” in what I understand to be the English adjective-noun order instead of the Spanish noun-adjective order, i.e. “un idioma nuevo” and “palabras nuevas”.

How can I, as a LingQ user, determine that a particular course has a high probability of teaching correct Spanish before I invest my time in the course?

Our lessons are not vetted. Normally we are told by users or other native speaker members of any language problems.

You can be guided by roses or by the number of uses. You will also have to learn to trust your own judgement and tastes. If we are told of any bad lessons we usually eliminate them.

All of our content is created by native speakers, our members. If you learn to speak as well as a native speaker you should be satisfied. Some native speakers may deviate from the common norm. If you listen to enough different content, you will not be overly influenced by any one person’s special language habits.

Are you sure that the word order in LingQ 101 is not common for native speakers? Perhaps you could ask on the Spanish forum and several of our native speaker members can answer any questions that you may have.

There is very little translation into English or other languages, and where it exists it is a guide only and there is no guarantee that it is accurate. You will have to gradually learn enough words and get used to the language so that you can figure out the meaning for yourself. For that you need to do a lot of listening, reading and LingQing.

Good luck.

@PaulS As you will soon realize if you continue to study Spanish, the adjective does not always come after the noun. As a side note, the position of the adjective can change the meaning of the word. Have a look here: How Word Order Affects Spanish Adjectives

Hi - PaulS - I’ve worked on about 20 spanish lessons on this site and may others on similar sites. The lessons are always submitted by native speakers and the grammer is usually pretty good. Now some maybe slangier while others more erudite etc., but they are always a true reflection of Spanish as spoken in the native speaker’s country so I wouldn’t worry about that. Any vetting would be a reflection of level of interest and entertainment value in the piece I’m sure.

I was interested in feedback for correcting sound levels, typos, and the like.

Nuevo’ position moves around a lot: quite idiomatic.

