Learning Swahili with LingQ and Language Transfer

For the last couple of weeks, I have been learning Swahili with the free Language Transfer Swahili course. I didn’t use any other resource for the first weeks and only in the last weeks I began to compare my knowledge through LT a bit with the vocabulary of the LingQ MiniStories.
In advance I want to state that LT alone won’t get you far in a language but especially for languages that are quite far away from languages you already know, the program is a great introduction.
My takeaways from the course are the following:

  • LT is a fun mental exercise for language lovers. I really enjoyed going through the bit sized lessons while walking to the gym or on the way to the supermarket.
  • The course won’t teach you a lot of words, but you get a good grasp on structures and some essential vocabs. having finished the course, I recognized already some 500 words from the Ministories. Potentially I learned some 600-700 words (according to LingQ) through LT.
  • For highly structured Languages like Swahili where you get a lot of information in one word, LT helps a lot to approach them and eventually understand them.

For the next weeks I will work with the Ministories and relisten to the course.
I hope I motivated some of you to try LT out and join me learning Swahili on LingQ!