Learning languages

Is learning languages only a matter that depends on the amount of exposure?

Yes, and no.

‘’ Yes, and no. ‘’
Is that what they call the ‘’ what on earth does that suppose to mean ‘’ respond ?

yes , it depend on the exposure - assuming that you mean all sorts of exposure such as reading listening and speaking - actually without exposure there is no interaction and how could you ever learn a language without an interact ? unless you are into some mystic stuff , but then the only language that you would learn is hallucination .

Maybe by using some psychedelic substances i could acquire a language with no exposure,only by thinking of it.Kidding aside I sometimes read about people(above all in the past) that they had learned a foreign language only through books and grammar stuff…I’m sure,obviously that you need lots and lots of exposure…that’s for sure

''Maybe by using some psychedelic substances i could acquire a language with no exposure,only by thinking of it ‘’

Always like my posts and maybe just maybe some day you wold XD

All learning, and I would expect all memories, are 100 % dependent on exposure.
However the quality, duration, intensity etc. determines the result.
Just my opinion, not professional advise.

My goal for learning Spanish is for it to be very familiar to me, which I believe will happen as I primarily read and listen to things (and speak and write when I have opportunity) over a 1,000 hour period of time. I should reach that goal sometime in 2019. I personally spend around 1.5 hours or more each day reading and listening to things in Spanish.

If you’re reading or listening to your language, and it sounds foreign to you, then you need to spend more time with the language. When the language is familiar to you, then it’s easy to mimick it. Too often, I believe, we try to mimick a language–and even get frustrated when we don’t–when the language is still unfamiliar to us. When the language is familiar, then we can read even without LingQ, which allows us to watch videos with YouTube subtitles in our target language. That improves our listening comprehension, which then helps us in conversations.

Exposure is definitely important in language learning, but especially after the initial months spend with the language, that expose should I believe at least 1 hour per day reading and listening to things to have substantial progress.

Consult the Master, who consulted the professor at the University of San Diego.

It’s dependent on:

  1. Attitude
  2. Time spent with the language (exposure)
  3. Developing the ability to notice what’s going on in the language.
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“Perusing books” is an interesting expression. It doesn’t mean simply exposing you eyes to the letters on a page of books. It is an active mental process.

Thanks Yutaka…you cited two of the greatest polyglots…I’ve read so many things about Kato Lomb and by Kato Lomb that I can say I know her methods and her attitude in learning languages very well.About Steve,what could I add more?To peruse…very interesting verb…you usually use it when you read something baldly,when you are really searching for knowledg,when you start reading something and continue to do it with passion.

Peruse is a very interesting word. It appears that its primary meaning is to study intently, but then its secondary meaning is to skim through material casually. A word fighting against itself.

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