Learn vocabulary at random

It’s here possible to learn vocabulary at random? I got almost 4000 words here in the dictionary and from to time I would like to repeat these words. But not sorted and filtered according to the first letter but randomly.

Thanks for your help

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You can export the LingQ’s you have created to be used in Anki, for example. IIRC Anki provides a setting that let you decide on whether you want to learn the flashcards in order or not. And you can add additional flashcards to your training deck at your liking.

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Thanks, I will try it. Still a nice Saturday.

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There’s a few different sort options.

On the vocabulary page, click More Actions. Then you can change the sort by. Or you could also do some filtering by course, lesson, status, etc. I like to sort by “importance” (my assumption being this is sorted by most common words, however that may be defined by LingQ). In any event, there’s enough sorting and filtering options to make it pretty random.



This is a helpful response and I hope it’s useful information for people.

But I don’t agree with your assessment. That you can’t simply randomize cards is odd. You can’t even sort descending/ascending for anything but alphabetical (why on earth would you ever want to review Z words? I don’t get why of the very few options they have available, this is one of them). I would use a variety of different options if they were available: grouping based on source material categories (politics vs science vs fashion for instance), a date range, cards I have reviewed most often and still don’t know, only cards that I have gotten wrong…

I understand that flashcards are not necessarily the crux of this platform and what they do have is nice… but they could be so much better. I really shouldn’t need another program or a word document or a physical notepad to track my own flashcard manual review process.

Lingq please give us more tags, more sorting options, more groupings, more control over what gets put into the pile.

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Hi Oliver,
I didn’t want to say anythings anymore about it cuz I thought no one else has complaint about it and it is accepted in general here.
And you are right if you say to learn vocabulary isn’t the core of this application.
But to learn vocabulary is an extremly important part of the learning process. At least for me. And especially the random function is particulary appropiate to expand my activ vocabulary and lower the passiv vocabulary accordingly. On this way I can keep a lot of words activ even this words are a part of former activities.
And it’s absolutly right that it can not be that one needs an additional application like ANKI. Btw… ANKI isn’t really to operate easily. The settings are a nightmare but maybe I’m just to stupid for it.

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I HATE Anki personally. It doesn’t really behave in a way I want - even after setting things up in ways that many learners have suggested. It probably could behave as I want, but to figure that out takes too many of my brain cells.

I frankly just drop what I want into google sheets (with a little help from chatgpt). It’s a bit of work, but more customizable for my purposes (and just seems easier for me so far). I’m just barely delving into doing some SRS again to pickup up vocab that I think is important and I’ve missed along the way in my regular input activities on Lingq.

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Thanks for replying me. May I ask you where are you from?

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