Learn menu - lesson history

I know you’re all very busy adding planned features and squashing bugs, but here’s a small request to consider for your queue. I’d like to see more lesson history under the Learn menu. Three seems a small number for the way I use it.

I’ll bounce around between various lessons as interesting things come along, and that risks the latest lesson from the book I’ve imported falling off the menu. It’s then more difficult to find that lesson in the large number of lessons from that book. Because a book can be very long, it’s probably common for others, not just myself, to take a break and glance at other things while still not abandoning the book.

It’s possible now, of course, to open the course and scroll down looking for the first unread lesson. But it takes longer to open a large course and scroll down, searching, especially if the interface needs to load additional lessons as you scroll. Some sort of shortcut at the top of the course to the more recently accessed lesson would be nice, too. But a slight expansion of history in the Learn menu is probably easier to implement and faster to access while going a long way towards solving this “problem”.


I would support this idea. Having 10 lessons in the menu would be a great improvement.

I’ve the same problem with long courses. I dislike the scrolling and I find the paging mode a lot easier to handle.