Hello! Here is a video to help you understand how to talk about plans using proximal future. The goal is not to learn Grammar. You learn the language in context, only elements that are relevent in everyday life and with emphasis on informal pronunciation used in everyday conversations . I’ve imported the video into the library but it doesn’t let me share it because it doesn’t upload the audio (again…) so in the meantime you can see the video directly on Yutube. I’ll inform you in the French forum once the lesson is available.
Please, let me know if you like the video, what I could improve, if you find it useful and if you’d like more videos like this.
Hi Katys,
I have the same experience: trying to import a youtube video and not uploading the audio. But … if you go to another lesson and then come back to the video you imported, you will see the audio appear! And if this does not work, you can also download the audio from youtube and then upload it to the lesson through the edit lesson function!
I’ve imported the lesson and created a new course in the library called “Français pratique: apprends le français de tous les jours en contexte” where I’ll put all my videos for Beginner2 and lower intermediate students. In this course you’ll find videos where you can learn everyday Grammar, Vocabulary, Phrases in context.