Languages with more than one script

Hello, how can I work with languages that use more than one writing script in LingQ?

I am learning serbian which uses both latin and cyrillic scripts.

My issue is that words saved as known in one script still appear as unknown in the other

So I either limit myself to just importing content in latin script (which severely limits my options) or I accept the fact that my “known word count” is going to be inflated to the point of being useless, as I won’t be able to tell how many actual new words I am adding to my vocabulary.

Both options are problematic, is there a solution to this?

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There’s not solution for that problem, unfortunately. System isn’t able to recognize the same word in two different scripts. So, if you are learning Serbian (that’s my native language btw), you should focus on Latin or Cyrillic script, not both.


Thank you Zoran, that is unfortunate to hear. If that is the case, do you know if there is somewhere where I can choose to only create audio transcripts in latin script? Sometimes when I import an audio file it creates the transcript in cyrillic, which I would like to avoid

Ponovo, hvala puno!

On that very topic, Steve said that Punjabi’s scheduled for release on January 21st, and the language itself uses both Gurmukhi and Devanagri scripts, and even the Urdu script, in the case of Pakistani Punjabi speakers, so I’m just wondering which script LingQ will use for their Punjabi slot. :thinking:

Faster Whisper XXL supports Serbian and seems to use the latin alphabet as a default, as far as a short look at the changelog seems to imply. Best you test it out yourself.

@eracc It should always default to Latin. That sounds like a bug, we will investigate it.

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As Obsttorte allured to, the problem is within Whisper. I used some version of Faster Whisper myself to transcribe some videos in Serbian myself. Well, sometimes it transcribes in latinica and sometimes in ćirilica. It may even switch during transcription. And it may even not be so sure if it transcribes Serbian or some other Slavic language, as it uses letters that Serbian ćirilica does not have. I haven’t tried Faster Whisper XXL myself.

Well, if you use LingQ’s content than you will end up focusing on latinica. Since both scripts are used it is useful to be familiar with both. I still find ćirilica harder than latinica. Of course, since I practiced a bit it became easier.

Well, that’s simple, whatever people will put into the system, and most likely what’s most popular out there.

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