
This language is quite familiar to me wheras i am still struggling to talk fluently. I have been learning english for many years as a second language though i am facing problem while talking.

I very strongly desire to make myself quite thorough with english for which i belive i am supposed to improve my vocabulary dramatically.

Can you guide me with some intestesting way of improving my vocabulary.

try watching movies…reading…talking to people…don’t be shy…we all make mistakes

have a mp3 player
download listening podcasts
listen them
i am doing so :slight_smile:

Many, many american movies are available in script form on the internet for free. The advantage of using a script is that you can easily select words and expressions and ways of speaking, cut them, and paste them into lists for review as “assignments” here in LingQ. I only used the word “American” because I haven’t looked for British, Canadian, Australian, or other English-language scripts.

I am learning Italian and when I am in chats or skype I always cut and paste sentences when I see something that I understand and I say to myself, “I wouldn’t have thought of saying it that way!” or “So that’s how Italians express that idea!”


Can you provide some of the URLs where movie scripts are available? Thanks for your help. Or else what do you search for? - “American movie scripts”. I wonder if that would work for other languages.

Hi Steve,
not sure what francousa meant exactly by movie scripts available for free. There are many sites where you can find subtitles for almost any movie ever made and download for free. Those are made and distributed mostly by volunteers, who made transcripts by listening or ripping subtitles from DVDs. I’m not quite sure what the copy and authors’ rigts say for this case, however if you own the original copy it’s probably fine, not sure about distribution though. In any case linking to these sites and particular movie subtitles pages should be ok, in a layman opinion of mine.

Take a look at

or simply google “subtitles”

looking ahead I think there is a difference between “movie script” and “movie subtitles”
Go to and see for yourself, the script describes scene, action and provides lines too.
What a language learner needs is subtitles - actors’s lines literally transcribed - and for that reason looking for subtitles makes more sense here.

This might be of interest: downloadable pdf-files of movie scripts (description plus actors’ lines):