Language Learning Exercise #6

Hello, Everyone!
My username is Kwall1. I am a Latin learner, and I love to learn languages. I’ve seen people do this on other forums and I wanted to begin a language exercise. This is not for fluent speakers only, and anyone can reply. Here’s how this goes: I am going to post a question—or two. Anyone can answer in the language that they are learning. I can correct those who are learning English or Latin. But since this is an open exercise, I would appreciate it if people would correct each other. For example, if you are learning French, and someone replies in French, please correct them—if their translation is wrong. You can also reach me on this thread if you have any questions about Latin or English.
Here’s today’s question: What did you do this summer? (Optional: How was it different from last summers before COVID-19?)
The first 5 to reply will have their names listed on the leaderboard.

  1. kimojima_______

If you have any questions, please ask! We are all language learners here, and all of us are here to support and help each other.
This exercise is daily: so please look out for it.
If you have any questions you would like me to ask, please suggest them in the comments below. Just be sure they are questions that will be easy to answer for beginners in a language.
Best wishes!
Edit: Here’s the link to the previous exericse: Language Learning Exercise #5 - Language Forum @ LingQ


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こんにちは! 返信してくれてありがとう:私はいつもあなたの応答を読んで楽しんでいます。 あなたの夏は楽しかったように聞こえます。