Language Accepters Learn, Language Doubters Burn

No, no, Steve is not going to tie anyone to the stake!

It is the title of Jacob’s latest blog and which seems to me a good piece of advice to language learners. [Jacob is the guy who finished NaNoWriMo.]

Thanks Sanne, but where is it? I can’t find it on google. :slight_smile:

There are a number of ways to find it:

  1. Go to Friends, Blogs, (setting on ALL) and look for it there. I just found it on page 4 (you use the next button on the top left to get there). By the time you read this it may have moved to page 5, some members are prolific writers and thereby push the writing of other’s back)

  2. Go to Jacob’s profile (search for Jacob under Add Friends on the Friends page here), there you will see his blog url.

  3. Look here:

That is such a great post! It’s actually a reason why I detest language classes. There are always one or two “doubters,” who take the fun out of everything.

I agree! It is a great post because a lot of us have run into people who have this really curious and rigid mindset about languages. It makes me wonder about their pre-school experiences. Were they the kids who tried to jam the square peg in the round hole?

I don’t mind language classes. They can go pretty slowly because languages are difficult for some people, but I’ve had fun socializing after class, so it’s not all bad:)

Questioners and perfectionists…I do not think they make the best language learners.

Aha! That must be my problem! I’m a perfectionist from long ago, although I try hard NOT to be! When I first started studying Spanish I wanted to know all of the grammar rules. So I worked really hard on learning grammar. But I clogged my mind with too many rules and that stops me from speaking – I’m always trying to think of the correct verb form or the rule that might apply. Now I’m trying to erase all that and go the LingQ way!! I think it’s a better way!

I enjoyed Jacob’s blog. Thanks, Sanne!


I think that what you learned in the past will help you in the future. I don’t think your knowledge of grammar is a hindrance. I have noticed that some people who write better than I do in Spanish, don’t “speak” it as well as I do. But guess what? I admire people who write well and know a lot of grammar!

I think there has to be some sensible middle ground. The perfectionist can indulge her need to do well in writing, but she has to accept that she won’t have perfect control when she speaks. Even if you try maintain good grammar in actual conversation, it’s going to be difficult because you’ll probably speak more slowly.

I think Steve knows that people eventually find their own way within LingQ. I think you’ll find your way as well and stay away from those people who try to follow Steve’s method so closely that they want to know how long he brushes his teeth and how many words of listening he does during that time!

Thank you, Vi, for your encouraging words!