Ladino Song by Turkish Jews from 1909(?)


I found a march about 31 March 1909 Incident (31 March Incident - Wikipedia)
It was writen in the Ladino language by the Ottoman Jews. Ladino has common words with Spanish however my spanish listening skill is not at high level. I can understand only a few words. The record is very clear. Could you guys help me to transcript it if you can understand.

What I understand:

… Salonique …

askerlique(?)(means military service in Turkish)
ya la libertad se va a ser
ya nuestra sangre se va a averter(?) por amor de la Turquia.
Turcos, Judeos y Crisyanos
Todos Ottomanos
… de las manos
… de ser hermanos
Par Istanbul vamos a partir
con los malos vamos a combartir
Por amor de la Turquia

… soledad…
… esta crueldad…
fue por salvar a la libertad (?)
y ya nuestra Turquia.

ya la libertad se va a ser
ya nuestra sangre se va a averter(?)
por amor de la Turquia.

Thank you

Wonderful song! Thanks for sharing. I love Djudeo-espanyol

I’ll use an intermediate spelling between modern Spanish and Djudeo-espanyol, to make it easier for you to look the words up
In brackets I respell into moderrn Spanish the first occurrence of difficult words. Notice that in djudeo-espanyol (as in ancient Spanish) j was pronounced as in modern French

Mansebos [mancebos] de los kazales [Edit: pueblos]
y munchos [muchos] de Salonique
mos [nos] izimos [hicimos] veluntarios [voluntarios]
mos fuimos al askerlique
Ya la libertad se va a azer [hacer]
ya nuestra sangre se va a verter [verter means to get spilled, shed]
por amor de la Turquia
Turcos, djudios y cristianos
todos otomanos
mos tomimos [tomamos] de las manos
djurimos [juramos] de ser hermanos
Para Estambol [Estambul] vamos a partir
Con los malos vamos a combatir
por amor de la Turquia
Mujeres y criaturas
deshimos [dejamos] en la soledad
Si izimos esta crueldad
fue por salvar a la libertad
y a nuestra Turquia
Muestras [nuestras] botikas [tiendas*] serrimos [cerramos]
Muestros echos [trabajos] abandonimos [abandonamos]
Ya la libertad se va a azer
ya nuestra sangre se va a verter
por amor de la Turquia

*In modern Spanish botica is a name for a pharmacy but it used to mean “shop” in general, that’s the meaning in the song

For reference, the only word I had to look up is “echo” [hecho], which usually means “fact” but, apparently, can be used to mean “work” in djudeo-español. I found it at

Thank you Franscisco. I’ll let you know if I find out where or what Kazales is.

Ah, kazal means “village”. The word “casal” does exist in modern Spanish, but it’s not usual

i have heard ladino before it’s very beautiful but i have a hard time understanding all the non european words from hebrew , turkish and persian but the spanish words i understand better . this little clip i understand much of it except for certain words

“Casal” in portuguese means “couple”, at least is the most used today. In some older texts means “village” or a “rustic property”.

Yes, the second meaning is just as in Spanish. A more frequent word is caserío

Btw, @ilearnlang, what side of the conflict do you think this song is supporting?

Short answer: The Young Turks

RANT :slight_smile:

The Jews of Iberia were settled in Balkans, actually Theselonika (Salonique in the song:)) was once one of the biggest jewish cities in Europe.

The liberty that she wants to save is the 1876 and the 1908 Constitution which was abolished by Sultan Abdulhamid in 1878 and 1909 twice. After the heavy defeat in the Turkish-Russo War in 1877-78 Abdulhamid II had abolished the Constitution and banished the Young Turk leaders. In 1908 Abdulhamid II couldn’t resist the Third Army; the Young Turks and the Third Army had anounced the second Constitution that ended the absolute monarchy of Abdulhamid II which lasted 30 years. A few months later the reactionarists and the Albanian troops had declared support for Abdulhamid II. They seized the capital (Istanbul).

Third Army was also stationed in Balkans and the HQ of the Third Army was Theselonika. The officers and generals who served in the Third Army were Young Turks and against Sultan Abdulhamid II. Almost every group in Balkans were supporting the Young Turks; the jews supported them as well. The Army of Action (or Hareket Ordusu in Turkish) re-conqured the capital.

One of the most important leaders of the Young Turks Emanuel Karasu Efendi or Emmanuel Carasso was jewish. The Jews in Turkey always supported the Young Turk Movement and later one of the Jews Munis Tekinalp or Moiz Kohen became the ideolog of the Turkish nationalism and Kemalism. He also advocated the full-assimilation and Turcification of the Jews.

The village where Moiz Kohen was born (Serez) is very close to where my family originally came from. (Chrysoupoli-Sarışaban) My family is not Jewish of course. As a member of a family from Balkans I think that, the Young Turk leaders, above all the commander of the Army of Action Mahmud Şevket Paşa, are heroes in the Turkish history. I am pretty sure that Jews or Turks in Balkans think and feel the same thing. Kemal Atatürk was born in Theselonika as well.

A record from 1909, Mahmut Shevket Pasha is making a speech before re-capturing of the capital. He insults Abdulhamid II and makes a vow that he is going to save the country.

The record unfortunately is not clear.

Edit: His accent is similar to the “palace Turkish”. He pronounces the words a little bit different.

Istanbul Turkish

His Pronouncation