Korean Youtube Video Cutoff

Sometimes, the first part (sometimes up to a minute so far) of a video I import is missing. I have to delete the video, and try and reimport it before I get that portion back. I have noticed the issue with multiple sources, and on videos with and without youtube chapters


Sorry to hear that. Can you please post example video URL?

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It happened on this video on first import: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhE4s2tGT0M
I figured immediately that the presenter did not start the forecast with a sentence about how strong the winds were, without mentioning the overall weather at first. I deleted it and did a re-import, and it was fixed

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Unfortunately I have same issue with Ukrainian :sob:. Some sentences are missing at the beginning and in the middle of imported lessons. It started about three weeks ago


Thanks, we are looking into this.

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same with russian, i uploaded 1:25 minute video it was okay until 45 minute

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We are looking into this, thanks for your patience.

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