Korean Hangeul but no romanisation

Hello, I’ve been learning on my own Chinese from basicly only lingq from the past 5 months (800 ish words.) I really like the website and i tought that the chinese way with actual ‘‘pinyin’’ or chinese romanisation was standard on the website… I really wanted to begin korean as a mean to fuel my hobby, but theirs no equivalent of that, but i foud actual romanising webtool from korean to latin. Will this feature be implemented at some time? From the time being i will study the letters and move from there. I tend to pick things quicly but the fact that i will need to do extra stp for a while stir me away from the whole thing. I’ll come round at some point but i’d be nice if it has that feature!

Yeah, we don’t have romanization for Korean. I am not an expert for Asian languages, but if I remember properly that’s because Korean Hangul isn’t that hard to learn and is much easier compared to Japanese and especially Chinese.
I’ll check this and let you know.

Don’t bother with romanization because there are several systems and none of them are good or truly accepted as a standard. The Korean alphabet is very simple and there is no reason to learn a romanized version of it. Let me put it this way, when I was learning Greek, there was no point in trying to learn some romanized version of the Greek alphabet. You just learn the Greek alphabet. Hangul is even easier to learn (no capitals and lowercase . . .). Check out Talk to me in Korean, Korean Class 101, or How to Study Korean to find it.

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Hangeul can be a bit confusing (even occasionally now for me after living there for a year) because some of the characters look like Latin characters (ㄷC, ㄴL, ㅇO, ㄹS, ㅌE, ㅋF), but have different sounds. While people say that it’s super easy to learn, I think that’s a bit misleading. When I learned it, then tried to use it, I saw just how much brain power it took to put words together. It took a lot of practice to be able to read along with a speaker speaking at a moderate speed, I still can’t read quickly, and reading aloud is the slowest of all. That’s just going to be a problem with any completely new orthography you learn. That being said, I would still think you wouldn’t need to rely on the romanization for much time. I remember using it because it was so much faster to read at first, but after a month or two I preferred Hangeul.

i hope that i won’t have the same outcome, since chinese characters are really easy for me to read when i remember them. When i know them, i pretty much abandon the romanization altogether. For me it’s just a tool until i know the caracters. Thanks for the reaction

I agree. Hangul is fairly easy to learn and it doesn’t take that long. You can learn it in only a few hours. It’s a bit like hiragana and katakana (Japanese).

I wonder about that as I am learning Mandarin now. I’m sticking with pinyin, but I am exposing myself to the Chinese characters and have learned a few. I think it may be easier to understand meaning quickly from the characters than it is for me to recall the syllable and tone. With an alphabet/syllabary/abugida/abjad it may be slower because I have to assemble and understand the sounds to know if I recognize the word. So, I wonder if reading Chinese to yourself is much easier than reading aloud. With Korean, I read at my reading aloud speed unless I’m following what someone else is saying, then I can read faster because I’m just matching their sounds with the letters rather than recalling the sounds.

I mostly think people do more harm than good to themselves when they are misled that Hangul is somehow not just like any other alphabet. Korean learners of English often make this same strange mistake where they will start trying to transliterate English words into Hangul, but that isn’t actually very helpful. I imagine it’s the same for people either learning the Cryllic alphabet or Arabic alphabet too. There isn’t much reason to transliterate and attempt to use that to create your own phonetic system that uses an alphabet that is more familiar to you. You’re best served by using the alphabets that were designed for the languages as they’re better equipped for them most of the time. There are definitely some exceptions to this. I think if you look at west Asian languages you see the adaptations of different alphabet systems (cryllic/arabic) due to their ability or lack of ability to properly represent a language. I think Mongolian would standout here, but don’t take my word for it without actually researching it :smiley: (I don’t mean to say that Mongolia is located closer to western asia/eurasia, but it has used several alphabets in its time from different places either by force or due to better ability to represent the sounds). The roman alphabet simply is not as good at representing Korean phonetics as Hangul is. It’s part of the reason why there are so many romanization systems.

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I’ve always looked at pinyin and the Hanzi at the same time, the pinyin told me how to vocalize the word, and the hanzi gave me hint of the meaning with the radicals. I’ve learned the radicals along the way and it still is incomplete… When i wanted to learned the radicals, i did , otherwise i didnt lol. For me the hanzi is easier in a way, since the pinyin has no meaning attached to that.