Korean audio content for children?

(Question originally submitted to Steve’s blog and now submitted here at his suggestion.)

Do you of any decent Korean listening material for children? My son is 6, and aside from some Korean cartoons, I’ve not found much to help him as far as listening. I’m wondering if there are bilingual Korean audio books published for children. Even monolingual children’s audio books would be helpful. The textbooks published for kids just aren’t too useful for listening content. Content available for adults has improved greatly, but I don’t see much for kids. I guess the demand just isn’t there. Any advice?

Hi Heike,

I am not for sure how helpful I will be, but over the past few months I have been studying Korean, because I will be going to South Korea in the fall to teach English.

study.korean.net is by far the best site for audio that I have found so far, although it can be difficult to navigate. The English button is in the top right hand corner of the screen for now, but they may change the layout later. They have monolingual flash stories on there of popular Korean legends that I think may be useful.

dectes - YouTube This is a Youtube channel of five Korean stories.

http://www.korean.go.kr/hangeul/cpron/main.htm This site doesn’t have audio books, but it really, really helps with pronunciation.

Not exactly what you requested, but I hope it helps.