Known words

Hi, today my kown words are -4. Why the number is negative?
When I review my vocabulary, the number of my LingQs learnt increase more or less, which is not the case for the known words and today they’re negative…

Hi, today my kown words are -4.Why the number is negative? When I review my vocabulary, the number of my LingQs learnt increase more or less, which is not the case for the known words and today they’re negative…

Marianne, it’s a bit weird that your comment appears twice, once with a different username!:slight_smile:

Where are you seeing a negative Known Words number? In the Progress Snapshot? Or in the WorkDesk when you update an Item?

I think so Mark, but it did not appear at the same time. I thought it was someone else that added a comment, still it’s word for word.

My negative words are in my progress snapshot.

It is possible to have negative Known Words if you have updated a Lesson which had few or no New Words in it and you LingQed some words that you had previously indicated as Known. These words would come out of your Known Words total. Could this have happened to you?

It is right that before it happened I updated an item with no unknown words in it. I knew it was an easy item but I wanted to read it. I didn’t lingQ words that were previously indicated as known and only lingQed a few expressions.

In the vocabulary section, if we move the status of several words to -1 to review them all, is it taken into consideration on the known words total? I sometimes move the status of a vocabulary page (so even my known words on a page move to status 3) to review my words.

I did both updating this easy item and moving the status of words in Vocabulary pages.

As soon as you change the status from level 4 to 3, 2 or 1, the words are not “known” anymore.

It sounds like this was likely caused by your updating an easy item and/or changing the status of your words in the vocabulary section. If status 4 words change to 1,2 or 3 as Jeff says, they are no longer Known and will be subtracted from your Known Words total which is why you can get negative numbers in the Progress Snapshot.

I have a question about known words. I am just learning how to use the site and I inadvertently updated an article that I really wasn’t finished with. It updated my known words list with all of the words in the article. I’d like to re-set my statistics so that they really reflect what I know but I don’t know how to do it. Can anyone help?

sodonnell -
there is not possibility to re-set - but when you are working again with this article and saving the unknown words, the number of known words will be reduced.

Unfortunately, you can’t reverse the Update process. You can delete that item but those words will remain in your account. The only thing you can do is to LingQ all the unknown words so they will be pulled out of your Known Words list.
I wouldn’t worry about it too much. In the long run it will have relatively little effect on your statistics.

How do I convert a known word into unknown?

@apatel1 - It isn’t possible to make a word blue again - blue means “new”. Instead, if you mark a word as Known but don’t actually know the word, you can simply highlight the word again and save it as a LingQ. This will add the word to your list of LingQs and you’ll be able to review it until you have learned it.

I got it. Thank you so much.