Kanji readings are incorrect


Could someone please explain to me how I go about changing the reading of kanji in the Import section of LingQ? I’ve tried without success to change 二じ from ‘futaji’ to ‘niji’ 2 o’clock with absolutely no success at all. I’m now beyond frustrated! Any help here would be hugely appreciated!

Thank you


Futaji is quite the word; I wish Japanese were so straight forward!

Unfortunately, those of us who have been around LingQ for a while have little hope in their teams fixing these issues.

The only help I can offer you here is pressing into inner peace as you use really good, but suboptimal, tools in language learning.

Anyhow, I’d prefer fajitas over futajis!


Interesting. Thank you very much for your reply. I had high hopes for LingQ but it’s proving to be really rather disappointing and inflexible to use for a language like Japanese.

I may try to reach out to the creators to see what their response is to this weakness.

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Not sure about Japanese, but when I look up a word in Chinese and save a meaning, I tend to copy the transliteration with it from the dictionary. This way I can be reasonably sure it’s accurate. This in fact how everyone did it before LingQ introduced the current feature. Therefore there are already many pre-existing definitions containing transliterations. At least for me, relying on a “guessing algorithm” is not particularly attractive, instead I prefer to take control of the process myself.
I totally understand that this is not an option for everyone, so hopefully LingQ will make changes in the future and put an end to the endless complaints about the auto transliterator.
But I wouldn’t get my hopes up :slight_smile:


I just can’t get over how utterly inflexible it seems to be and how little control you have to amend or correct. It makes learning through imported material you want to read not worth the bother. A real lost opportunity.

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I’m not defending any problems with Lingq because I’ve probably got an even longer laundry list than anybody else here, but if anybody has found the perfect learning platform, please let me know what it is. Serious request.

For what it’s worth, that "二じ” isn’t really a word you’re going to see in real Japanese anyway. In fact, if it was split correctly into the two words it actually is, 二 and 時, there wouldn’t be a problem.

In fact, for this particular lesson, I’m wondering why there’s even kanji in it at all since everything else but the numbers is just kana. I wouldn’t get too hung up on it. You’ve got bigger fish to fry. :slight_smile: I’m with gmeyrs on this: don’t let these minor irritants get in the way of your more important goals.

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